The born on 3rd base and hit a home brigade do not warrant our praise. Lively failed as an actress and is pushing her brand, essentially an agent of conspicuous consumption who peddles crap for profit.
The born on 3rd base and hit a home brigade do not warrant our praise. Lively failed as an actress and is pushing her brand, essentially an agent of conspicuous consumption who peddles crap for profit.
An old Dublin saying is "A Rub of the Relic" which is my absolute favourite. It derives from the touring of Catholic Saints' paraphenalia which would give parishioners the chance to touch a holy relic for good health and luck.
"Pogue the hone" is actually from the Gaelic Póg Mo Thoin which means "kiss my arse". Tis the most literal of the lot.
Overreaction much?
it looked like a sack though, such bad tailoring.
Are you proud of Shakira's faux lesbianism, male-gaze approved Rihanna video?
I do. The Kubrick movie is only about one 8th of the book, which is wonderfully dark tapestry of the macabre. I'd rather a prequel than a remake.
Yet she was desperate to do a faux lesbian music video with Rihanna to score some publicity and said her husband refuses to allow her to film with men. Not someone I would hold up as a bastion of progressivism.
That's patently untrue, the mortality rate and complications for women is much higher for women who go full term versus those who undergo a legal abortion. Take your lies elsewhere, bigot.
Women are making the responsible choice not to proceed with a pregnancy due to poverty. "Forty-two percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level ($10,830 for a single woman with no children)" Guttmacher Inst.
You've pulled that statistic out of your arse. The Guttmacher Institute provides hard data on this issue: Women who have never married and are not cohabiting account for 45% of all abortions. About 61% of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children. Three-fourths say that having a baby would…
A zygote is not a child, a zygote or fetus do not trump the rights of a woman. I assume you actively support free medical aid, state sponsored full maternity leave, state childcare and all social safety nets that support the child once it is born and for 18 years afterwards. Otherwise you don't actually give a fuck…
Condoms are not free, they do not prevent rape or coerced sexual intercourse and they are not fail proof.
That gif made me genuinely laugh.
While I detest this genre for the very issues you raise I'm glad at least that it is a woman at the heart of the narrative as for two centuries Emerson led hypermasculinity has monopolised the narrative of the Wild.
That was awesome. Made me feel happy.
Whence she must retire to the darkened dungeon and forgo all human contact.
And stopped posing semi-naked, when do A list actors feel the need to disrobe and talk about their exercise regime.
I can almost smell the stale tobacco from here.
My greatest revelation has been a sleep mask to block out light. It helps your body release cortisol and prevents the early morning light disturbing your sleep.