
I figured he murdered his family then burned the house down to cover it up and blamed the Bolt. 

GM is a car company in America run by the same generational morons that are running this country.

How about a new poll - best reasons to close your eyes while speeding?

An old rich person’s sport that horrible for the environment and historically racist!

As a Texan, I’d say my stereotype of a NJ douche is confirmed.  BTW, Texans don’t all wear cowboy boots, own oil derricks, and tip cows. 

They speed up, pass them on the left, and give them the finger like everyone else. Damn needy children. Back in my day, we got to school atop a shredder being pulled by a tractor driven by my drunk uncle!

The fact that you thought this thought, then went the extra step to post this on Jalopnik (a huge political community) would tell me that you’re the nutter you are complaining about. 

It might be a bit slanted by Jamie’s personal opinions, but all creation has some of the creator within. I find his writing to be exceptional and not very Jalopnik at all. It’s refreshing to read something into which someone has put a lot of time and thought.  I’ll always read good writing. 

Do I have to buy one? This just a rhetorical exercise, right?

Full Size 2-Door K5

I thought you had a nice selection. Certainly the must-haves were all there.

Dammit, NEB, the commenters here don’t want to hear logical viewpoints! They didn’t win all those soccer trophies for participation just to hear something with which they don’t agree.

I didn’t toss any suggestions into the suggestion box, but the Colombo V12 seems to be a worthy omission. Certainly “better” than he VW TDI. 

I owned a 2003 crew Silverado with it. Worked very well in the city and towed trailers like I was in a stable dually. Great idea; execution was fantastic. 

Give me Super Cruise and a 35 gallon tank, and I’ll buy one as my new commuter.

apple mustard drizzle,

We in the Jalop community have met and decided that we’d like for you to fire Erik Shilling and replace him with yourself.  I look forward to more classic car reviews from you. 

Gold chains, hairy chests and hi-if apparently made chicks hot back then.

10/10 would back over that lil fucker with my Suburban and not know it. 

It’s not ok to prejudge people at all, whether it be minorities, sexes, or rednecks. OP jumped quickly to “uneducated”, “angry”, and “aggressive”. Same could be said for the locals who rioted in Compton, for example. Perhaps he should be more sympathetic and understanding of ALL people rather than quickly tossing