
My bad, sorry. 

“Elon stole your soul”

Boom like that...

Buy, park in living room, enjoy all day and in all weather!

Fake news! This was a successful test of the new turtleapult defense system now used to move slow people out of the left lane. I feel bad for the turtles, but I support the cause. 

My family has owned a NAPA store for 57 years...

Gracias - too lazy to google at the time!

I’ll keep my $2900 duckets and find something newer (but just as bad) before owning this awful POS. Crown Vics can’t be much more pricey than these...

Dammit, stop talking - the people on this forum are outraged, and you’re outrage-blocking them with your stupid common sense talk about how businesses operate in the real world.

Hertz’s bankruptcy is likely the best thing for our economic system right now.

Seconded. We are VRBOing a condo in the mountains in two weeks because hotels have too many people coming and going. We will have to stay in a hotel on the drive up, so I found a five-star that has 40%-off rooms figuring a 5-star will take cleaning more seriously between the stays. 

Having travelled Europe extensively, I can safely say they’re also 1/2 asshole (if not actually 5/8 asshole).

It does make a great argument for getting out of Texas to somewhere sane, though.

- Jim ‘Herb’ Spanfeller and drives away in an Aston Martin

The GX is always a reasonable alternative if you want cheap, reliable, and off-road - as a daily, it makes way more sense then a FJ80, but as a toy, the FJ80 is more interesting.

Tracy and Torchie on a solid adventure - I’m looking forward to these articles.

If you turn the iPad to landscape, you get the flicking slides; if you hold it portrait, you can scroll down. Doing it now. 

Spell chek disabled because the stoopid thing is always wrong.

“Lame” is equal to your generic “people are saying” intro...