Here’s my thing: If it were JUST a matter of someone found out where he was and messed with him, then yeah, the ban would be pretty unjust.
Here’s my thing: If it were JUST a matter of someone found out where he was and messed with him, then yeah, the ban would be pretty unjust.
maximize their profits to what end?
I think it’s sad that there even NEEDS to be a website watchdogging people running marathons...
As the first person interviewed shows - they were all for school choice - likely for the same reasons many low-income people may be: the idea of having a choice, at least in theory, means having better quality options.
One of the more bullshit narratives when Rock Snyder first ran for governor in 2010 was that as a non career politician and independently wealthy man he wouldn’t be influenced by the state’s rich and powerful special interests..................sound familiar?
If they’d missed the FG, it’d been on the kicker for missing, not on the play calling meant to run clock and set up the probable sealing score
Here is my thing. I generally consider myself to be “casual” although less so than some others I’d imagine. And you’re right. I don’t like playing a game where I have to put in 500 hours before I can possibly win because fuck that. I play to have fun, not to treat it as a competitive sport. Also I like playing more…
Where do you get the idea that brain surgeons would get paid such a paltry salary under this arrangement? Indeed, if the basis is “how they treat other human beings,” one would think that a brain surgeon - someone who probably literally saves people’s lives every day - would get paid a fucking lot of money for it,…
So...this is a piece of work
It’s amazing what not running in a general election can do for your favorability ratings.
Here’s the problem: That’s like saying the purpose of the military is to end it’s own purpose. To create such a good peace that a military is no longer necessary.
I always love the “I’m against unions because we have labor laws! I’m also against labor laws.” attitude.
breaking: campaign considers doing a lot of things it decides are probably dumb to do in the end
The RNC realizes they need to do that outreach, but the base voters in the GOP aren’t interested in that.
She had opposition research on Bernie, she just didn’t use it because
Here is what I’m wondering. Would Sanders have been able to calmly respond to Trump in the debates as Hillary did, or would he go just as off the rails? That wouldn’t necessarily help him.
Right? While the intention is that good “heroes” will tamp down on harassment, I think we’ve seen repeatedly that often those doing the harassing are often better organized and more motivated to attack people trying to stop them because, well, that’s largely what they do anyway, while people trying to moderate often…
I think the new guy who is going to be/already is good at this is Michael Giacchino. Despite what you might think of the movies themselves, the new Star Trek movies have a definite and memorable theme to me. And of course Alan Silvestri (who did the Avengers theme and first Captain America movie - the two MCU movies…
I had noticed this too when going through the soundtracks of some of these movies. Aside from the Avengers theme or maybe some of the Captain America themed music it’s just all so....blah.
Perhaps the closest one is Space Engineers. Although it’s less because I don’t like the game but because they have made it nearly impossible to play, especially on multiplayer. I put 600 hours into it and finally threw up my hands and gave up when we could barely have 2 or 3 people on a server and barely do anything.