
70 million dollars raised. game still not released. wut.

they dont even provide legitimate answers on that survey. who in the hell would say they download movies simply because their internet is fast enough -.- this is conjecture and nothing more; employed by hollywood execs to further their own agenda. I download movies and games all the time, but i will always pay for a

without being insensitive, the sentence structure and grammar errors made implies that someone with only a rudimentary understanding of written English is behind the threat. Hopefully that's obvious to everyone. It's interesting though that they highlight "regional peace" and capitalize "War" and simultaneously

she got old and she cant hit those notes anymore; shoulda just gone for a lower key

looks like those trees are...oxidising. YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

didnt they already MAKE this movie? chock up another fail for hollywood.

pretty sure that web is meant for humans...

id like to see the math that shows how FAR he can run while using the same total energy with & without the jetpack. ie, X energy = Y distance w/o pack, while X energy = Z distance w/ jetpack. Thats far more interesting to me. Also seems far more usefull knowing that even tho im exhausting, i can turn on my jetpack

i really feel like the dead spot is there for future development. it seems to me to be the perfect spot for 1, or maybe 2 buttons. and I know we're all saying, "buttons? where we're going we don't *need* buttons." but to my defence, touchscreens do not work under all conditions i.e. with gloves on. 1 "check

A thin tensioning frame could be sold for wall units etc. I imagine in residential applications, the rolling and flexibility of the TV would be of more use in moving the unit, as opposed to hideaway units like projection screens.

I'm pretty confident that most people just say he's a hack because they heard he is, and don't have an actual formed opinion. The deal is, if you're going to a Bay flick for anything other than a Bay flick, you're a fool. Who in their right mind would head into Transformers, expecting to see an Oscar nominated movie,

Photos don't mean a thing, they have the game footage of the bite, AND he's done this THREE times before.... Guy is a loser; idc how "good" at the game he is, eject him from the cup.

it always makes me laugh how obvious it is that ULTRA-V was clearly decided long before the actual acronym was written out, lmao

the problem with wax/budder is the manufacturing. anyone can get some tree, put it in a vape, and enjoy 90% of however much THC is on that leaf; not anyone can just make wax and budder. It requires a lot of work and chemicals; anyone attempting to makae wax/budder themselves is taking a big risk with smoking

If they can provide the same amount of force caused by opening speed with the parachute open, there is no difference. That's the point of the rocket sled, to create that force. Doubtful that the rocket sled is simply provide the downward force created by the ship floating down to Mars. Remember, Mars is considerably

I always found it odd how high the value for Whatsapp is when it's inception was due to a need for BBM without a Blackberry. BBM is universal now, so I would have imagined the appeal of Whatsapp would have diminished... I guess marketing doesn't support generally accepted logic =/

if in space there's no required form, then form can be whatever we want it to be.

at the ACC in Toronto, a large is significantly large. Also, it's not water. ZING!

i didn't think it was that good >.>