
SG:U was sooooo good and so misunderstood. As was Caprica.

No it didn’t fill the BSG void, but it was becoming something that was fun/serious and something I was excited to see what came next for the crew.

I’m just going to mention DS9. I feel it doesn’t get enough love when it comes to diversity matters. Ben Sisko, Dax, Basheer, Kira Etc. For a time when TV was SoWhite they were ahead of the game.

I attended a legislative district caucus in Washington State in which 70% of the people in the room were Bernie delegates, and it looked more or less identical to what I saw on those videos in Vegas.

About 15-20 Bernie Bros rushing the stage, screaming at the organizers, interrupting every single step of the process

I’m sorry, death threats, threats of violence, and slurs from Hillary supporters? Where please?