
In fact, this is doing quite the opposite. It is raising him in their esteem. The alt right is saying that this is just to distract from the wiki leaks dump. Their standard answer to all of this, is to say the Clinton’s did it toooooo. They sound mentally like a group of four year olds getting caught with their hands

Yeah, but his base is shockingly small.

Hmmm.... maybe if her staff perused the comments on the “No Man’s Sky” article, and recruited the commenters with the most misspellings and gendered invectives, then deprived those guys of food but gave them alcohol and PCP, they might approach Trumpian-levels of discourse in a mock debate.

No, you have it all wrong. Republicans on welfare and cheating the system are fine. It’s just democrats on welfare who ruin the country.

Hey, aren’t these the kind of people Trump talks about getting rid of? (Welfare cheats, etc.)

So she has a lot of practice maintaining a smug smile even when she realizes that she’s dumb and just said something that is 100% false. No wonder she’s perfect for Trump.

Facial interpretation from left to right: