
You would think so, but he "never leaves enough time for these things" so there you go...

The event was set up in a garage-sized event space in San Francisco and was packed with games, press and game developers. I never leave myself enough time for these things and I got there with maybe half an hour before closing time and raced through, playing as many games as I could and leaving, about 45 minutes later

Any idea what to say to get it to watch HGTV? I always get BET. :(

Strider is a great platformer for download, I think it's $15 and well worth it. Rayman Legends is also very good, little more expensive at $40 but also worth it as the amount of content it has is impressive. Max the Curse of Brotherhood is also a fun platformer with an interesting control scheme. Now that Titanfall is

One thing that I would really add, is to pay attention to the grunts on your team. They will, in my experience, if shooting, almost always be shooting at an enemy pilot and will also "call out" enemy units/pilots. They can also provide good cover as often pilots will let their guard down if they see a group of grunts

The only thing I disagree with is your point to "ignore the grunts". My impression from the beta is that the devs want you to be constantly killing the grunts, my best games by far were ones where, if not my primary focus, I split my attention equally between eliminating pilots/titans and grunts. If you solely

Especially now that you get Titanfall for free with purchase of the Xbox One it's a no brainer.

Damn I literally just threw out a compete drum set and guitar like 3 weeks ago :(

It's great that we are seeing digital sales and price cuts on both the Xbox One and PS4 titles, it's no steam sale, but things are definitely moving in the right direction.

Your husband is a lucky man, to have a wife who cares so much about bacon.

Good reading comprehension bro. MS didn't spend any development time on this app, because they didn't develop it, twitch did. Wanna try again or is all the fanboy trolling making you tired?

Incredibly smart move by Microsoft, which will almost certainly be matched by Sony in the near future.

I would suggest the watery eye effect that happens like when you get punched in the nose. It obscures your vision and is only temporary in real life.

If you are good with a controller you can even compete in twitchy games. I watched a stream of someone playing quakelive with a controller, and he was definitely holding his own even with the hitscan weapons. It's just a matter of comfort level with your method of choice.

What size are your hands? I admittedly have large/very large hands but I found almost no difference in the feel of the two controllers comfort wise. I have a bunch of hours logged with my xbox one already and have never once even thought about the controller being uncomfortable.

I can see the future:

You are making the dangerous assumption that what he was holding was a white wii remote and not what two other witnesses from the scene have stated was a BB gun.

It's not defending anything it just shows that your original assertion is flawed. Like I said, I don't know if she was in the wrong or not but what I do know is that no one commenting here is informed enough to be passing judgment.

No firearms issued in my department even have a safety, and if the warrant was for a parole violation of a violent felony it could very well be SOP to have your firearm drawn.

You watched a 45 second news clip and now know all of the facts of the situation enough to issue a verdict of "paranoia induced murder", thus proving my original point.