FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Is this back in Arizona?

Not to brag, but I had a very steamy romance scene with Cullen in Dragon Age Inquisition over the weekend, so…

Waiting for results is the absolute worst. I hope everything goes well for him.

Last week I was a full hour late to work because of some freezing rain that fell right at rush hour. There were over two hundred car accidents in my county that morning during the morning rush hour. It was shameful.

I'm glad you're all right. I'd be terribly shaken after something like that.

Who exactly does he need to actively listen to to understand what the problem is? I feel like it's pretty straightforward.

I remember reading about that. The first thing they did when they announced they were closing was jack up prices, because they knew people would come to the store looking for deals.

They declared bankruptcy, discharged their debts, and are now reopening. I'm not a fan of this business strategy.

Is that like a running coach?

I guess he has become abusive enough to flag, though I hesitated to do that initially because all he was really doing was voicing an unpopular opinion in a super obnoxious way.

I'm just trying to engage with you on your level, dawg.

"I'm a stone cold idiot."

Rock on, keyboard warrior.

That's almost certainly how it went down.

I'm glad this one's still here, as the original got deleted.

I shouldn't find it surprising that a lot of stuff goes over your head.

You're seriously getting a boner from all this, aren't you?



I guarantee you no one is coming out of here thinking "Oh, maybe the colonel has a point about PETA." The only thing they're thinking is "That guy blindly defending an ethically questionable organization sure got nasty when everyone didn't immediately agree that he was right and they were wrong."