FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

That's what I've been saying!

Here's the thing that gets me - the name calling and combativeness only serves to polarize everyone against his cause, and he knows damn well that's what he's doing. These are not the actions of someone who's actually concerned for animal welfare.

There's a penis joke in here somewhere…

They certainly know how to win the public's hearts and minds.

Get off it. The only one who sounds brainwashed around here is you. You're more interested in your own sense of superiority than in actual animal welfare.

I'm a vegetarian. You're still the worst.

Ugh you're the worst.

PETA is why everyone gives me the side eye when they find out I'm a vegetarian.

I didn't read it as contempt for mages so much as just being terrified of them. I wasn't terribly put off by her disregard for culture, specifically Dalish culture, either. It does sort of seem like a load of cobbled together BS.

I romance Cullen every time. I can't stop.

I'm pretty fond of Sera. If you can actually understand what she's getting at when she talks, she's a much more nuanced character than she initially appears.

Actually, you can't upgrade the graphics card on the Alpha. I'm hoping it will be some time until that actually becomes an issue for me.

I wasn't terribly disappointed in Dragon Age 2, but I didn't exactly love it. Varric and Isabela were the only worthwhile characters for me in that game.

I can never get that stuff to melt!

I do have that set up, but only for the initial email, not on replies. But you're onto something there. I may manually insert that signature into my reply.

It's not a console per se, it's an Alienware Alpha. I used the console feature at first, but I've switched to just using desktop mode. I like it much more.

That's awful. Well, I suppose there's always social media shaming, if you happen to grab video of it on your phone.

Well, the load times are also ridiculous. I've taken to doing small chores during them. Do you think more RAM would help with the choppiness?

Holy…man, you should lawyer up. That's out of control.

I downloaded DAI and all the downloadable content that goes with it over the weekend. It's a ton of fun, even though most of what I'm doing is a replay. I think I need to get an SSD though. My gameplay gets really choppy now and then, and it's really annoying me.