FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

I really don't know…money can make your life a lot easier, but being in that kind of environment can really take its toll on your mental wellbeing. The only way I was able to survive was to basically cut myself off from my coworkers, and absolutely refuse to talk about anything that wasn't directly related to my

This seems petty, and it sort of is, but this morning, the president of the company referred to me as an "administrative assistant" in an email. My job title is actually "staff accountant," even though some of my responsibilities are administrative. It makes me feel uneasy more than anything, as this is the same

Idealism has been beaten out of me. There's something to be said for living comfortable.


I did that once, except it wasn't entirely clear at the time that they intended to pay me as a contractor rather than an employee, even though I definitely qualified as an employee. We need clarification on that whole nonsense.


Good God, I'm super happy for you but you're also making me want to puke. I prefer my AVClubbers bitter and alone.

We undertook the massive project of hand shoveling out the shared driveway by our apartment over the weekend. It was brutal, and it's not technically our responsibility, but if we don't do it, no one else will. Our landlord stopped by later and gave us $100 off rent for doing it.

I tried to make fried mozzarella (http://www.nigella.com/reci… while we were snowed in, but I forgot to get flour, so I basically just ended up making mozzarella grilled cheeses.

Our personal rates are pretty low, at least in comparison to other countries.

Are you looking at consumption rates or personal rates?

She didn't have to, other people did. I think he posted an apology.

I was desperately trying to come up with this joke as soon as I saw it was the guy who directed Room.

Can't they just take their assault weapons and go shoot a deer or something?

I don't mind the cold, but the dryness is driving me up the wall. I have spent a small fortune on lotions and chapstick over the last month. I'm itchy as hell and turning ashy. I didn't even know white people could be visibly ashy. And the corners of my mouth keep cracking no matter what I do. To say nothing of

The only thing that happened the first time I smoked is that I literally kept forgetting where I put my glasses every ten seconds. I was underwhelmed.

Good lord that sounds heinous. I hope you'll be back to eating chewy caramels and lifting heavy boxes soon.

A lot of times when I wake up in the morning I'm sort of like…ugh…another shitty day…I can't do this. So I started telling myself no, it's going to be a good day. Or else.
It sounds really lame but it does help somewhat.

Can we blame Yahoo Screen for its own demise? Trying to watch Community on that thing kind of sucked.

I sort of cheered a little inside when he answered the phone.