FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

I was genuinely sad when she killed Kilgrave, though it had to be done. He struck me as a pathetic, petulant child with this power that he wielded too brilliantly for his own good. Or anyone else's, for that matter. I also really like Tenant.
I'm chomping at the bit now for the Luke Cage series, if just to get a

I know. I think that was just the final bad writing choice in a series of bad writing choices during that whole plot line.

I'm getting my episodes a little mixed up, but I do think that they address that a bit more in the next episode.

I know, I haven't been able to entirely shrug that off. Exactly how was the audience supposed to interpret that diaper season early on in the series?

Trish's line was a bit goofy, bit I definitely feel like there's something there. As much as there can be with the whole yo-yo relationship they have.

So, ::POTENTIAL SPOILERS I DON'T KNOW:: doesn't Jessica have a bit of invulnerability in the comics? I mean, not like Luke Cage style, but like enough to keep her fist from exploding when she punches the shit out of something?

I think he's sore.

You're crazy. This song is great.

Reminds me of Dorian from DA Inquisition.

It struck me as a bit implausible at the time, but not impossible. Given what we learn about Jessica's abilities and how she handles herself in fights in later episodes, it stands out even more in retrospect as the writers forcing the plot in spite of numerous implausible character actions and reactions.

It's not so much the two by four as me being incredulous that the character wielding it would have the kind of power to knock her unconscious for several hours.

This instance sticks out to me as an aberration in a rather forced sequence of events.

There's a fight scene coming later in which she takes some very nasty hits without losing consciousness.

I don't think he's doing it for no reason. I think he genuinely just doesn't like Jessica Jones.

But wasn't it basically a save Hope or save these four people situation for Jessica? I don't think Hope wanted to die. I think she didn't want Jessica to have to make the choice she was being presented with, so Hope made it for her instead.
Hope probably felt a bit of culpability, after all, since the only reason

I dunno…when I first encountered MANIMAL, I thought he was a troll, but over time I changed my mind. I think he's just being contrarian in this case.

I was all gung ho for Lester Freamon to be a recurring character. Then he got shot in the head. I actually gasped when that happened. It would have been really easy to do that scene badly and allow the audience to see it coming from a mile away, but somehow, I'm not even sure how, they managed to make it shocking.

That scene was just awful, followed by Robyn being able to knock out Jessica with one swing of a two by four. I know that Jessica doesn't have Luke Cage style invulnerability, but come on.

He was only two years from retirement…

I came here to say this exact thing. That character is just awful.