FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Or why they couldn't have cast both Aisha Tyler and Leslie Jones and cut out one of the other white actresses? Unlike a lot of other commenters, I really have no opinion one way or the other on Leslie Jones, but maybe she was the best fit, considering that two of the other actresses are from SNL. Yeah, the way they

I think in your effort to prove racism in this photo, you're veering into sexism.

The white characters don't appear to be touching at all. McKinnon is standing in front of Wiig and McCarthy. Not touching them. Also consider that maybe the photographer, rightly or wrongly, consciously put distance between Jones and the other women simply because Jones is so massively tall that she would dwarf the

McKinnon is standing in front of the other two. I don't think they're standing quite as close as it initially appears. Jones' belt is cinched the same as the rest of them, it's just higher up on her waist and harder to see.

Goals I'm actually making headway on are establishing new nighttime and morning rituals to make my daily life run a lot more smoothly. Also, getting all my shit organized in time for the holidays. I'm doing well so far.
Also, just continuing with the cognitive behavioral stuff I've been working on. Trying to

One of my most favorite memories from when I was a kid was when I got a ton of books for Christmas and a big jar of gumballs. I laid around the next several days reading and chewing gum.
When I was studying music in college, my parents got me a Buffet R13 clarinet. Finely made musical instruments are truly a thing of


Was she even doing an accent? I assumed they just ended up making Jean British.


Next week on Serial : Sarah Koenig is now most definitely being wire tapped by the government.

::flips table::

Exactly. I graduated almost ten years ago (aside : good god), and when I attended, I would estimate that less than 5% of the students were non-white. I can't recall any faculty that wasn't white. Based on a visit a month ago to the campus, it doesn't appear that demographics have changed much. But no one's going

Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. That doesn't mean that every opinion is well reasoned.

What do you mean?

I think that a lot could be done to improve diversity at the college I attended. So, no, I don't think it's unfounded. But arguing that a building should be renamed because you don't understand the difference between a word and a name? It makes it easier to be dismissive of the group and its goals.

There's a building where I went to college called Lynch Hall. It was named after Clyde Lynch, who was president of the college many years ago. Some of the current students at the college are now demanding that the building be renamed because of the negative connotation of the word lynch.

I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. I got your back, girl.

I didn't see where it began, but I saw where it ended.

That's amazing. Congratulations on your success!

Jesus that's horrible. Why's he targeting you?