FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Olga has been sounding lately like he's been going off the fucking deep end. How long has this stalker bullshit been going on?

Was it due to something you did?

I got an unexpected bonus check last week that should cover the entirety of the Christmas gifts I'm buying this year.

I'm so sorry. You did the best you could by him. It's so hard to say goodbye to a furry companion.

I downloaded The Room, The Room 2, and The Room 3 on my phone. I tore through the first two and burned myself out before I could really delve into the third one.
I was about to download Undertale a few weeks ago, but decided against it. After the writeup the AVClub did on it today, I've been convinced to give it a try.

Soft baked or GTFO.

I'm very interested in these three ingredients.

Solid shit = anal fissures

::raises hand tentatively::

I'd been meaning to text you. I think I can knock out the last two episodes tonight. I really like it overall. I audibly gasped at one point in a later episode because I was so surprised by it, which I almost never do.

I think Jessica told Luke that the bus swerved to avoid Reva's body and crashed.

At this point in the series, I was just pretty much assuming that Jessica was trying to figure out what Reva knew or did that caused Kilgrave to have her killed. It never occurred to me that she was trying to make sure Luke was doing ok, but that makes a whole lot of sense.

I started binge watching Jessica Jones and am now madly in love with Luke Cage.

It isn't exclusively a white male thing, but that doesn't mean that there's not something there.
On days when I feel particularly bitter, I start thinking that this is really just a male problem in general. Though apparently this guy got his wife to join in, so…yay for more equal representation of the sexes in

Weasel his way out or punch his way out?

I don't know. Start some renovations? Build an add on?
I've been trying to focus in on thought distortions lately, change the narrative in my head. But it's hard to catch myself doing it because it's become so automatic. I had a bit of a breakdown on Monday when I started realizing the extent of how horrible the

I would be ok with this if Noah's intention was to humble or humiliate the man. I guess I'm sort of curious to see what he would have done with the interview.

I know. It had some indeterminate electrical issues which caused the car to shut off now and then while I was driving it.

Oldsmobile 88 '89 that I inherited from my Grandpa after he passed. I would still be driving that thing if I could. It was such a smooth ride, and it held a lot of sentimental value to me since it did belong to my grandfather. There were cigarette butts in the ash tray that I never cleaned out for that reason.

As much as I go on about my struggles with my mental health, I really do have a lot going pretty well in my life. I'm going to go home tonight, get a warm shower, eat a little something, hang out with my boyfriend on the couch and watch some funny stuff on TV, play some video games, drink some tea, and just generally