FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

It sort of sounds like you're down on yourself about your situation.

I thought I had been making a lot of progress over the last year with my mental health, but I had a couple of doctor / therapist visits over the last couple weeks, and both indicated to me that I'm not actually doing as great as I thought I was. It's been really disheartening. I feel a bit defeated over it.

I hope the surgery is as painless as possible.

Maybe you don't necessarily need to try so hard to put on a brave face. I know you don't want to bring everyone else down, but I think it's very understandable that you would have some sadness during the holidays, and I don't think you have to hide it all the time.

I'm going to try and get back into the Flylady swing of things and get my apartment decluttered and cleaned up.

Do you have any support?

You're talking about the sexy stuff, right?

I feel a bit better. I snuck off and had a cry. Luckily I wore the waterproof mascara today.
Yeah…apparently there are a whole lot of issues of identity wrapped up in this. Who says you should be the bigger person? Who gets to decide what it is to be the bigger person?

Yeah, I'm still wrapping my head around it, because at first I was convinced it was just a matter of semantics. It's a way of taking agency away from yourself. It's like having an imaginary parent in your head telling you what to do, instead of you actually weighing pros and cons and making the decision for yourself.

Did you know "should" statements are apparently a form of thought distortion? It's sort of blowing my mind right now, as these statements make up a disturbingly large amount of my internal dialogue, and it never occurred to me that I'm capable of functioning without them.

Jupiter Ascending could have been a decent movie if there had been someone there during production to just say no a few times…

It's not that super gonorrhea that's been going around, is it?

Back in college, I had a friend who would make what basically tasted like spiked Ecto Cooler in a five gallon bucket he got from Lowe's.
That's the whole story.

Technically, I think he's shot her on two separate occasions.

I don't think it's about her secrets as much as the fact that SHIELD had targeted her to be eliminated for what she did, in the way that Bucky's now being targeted for elimination.
Also, of all the Avengers, I felt like she had the closest relationship with Cap of any of them. She can't take him on like Iron Man

It's interesting that they appear to be setting up Black Widow against Cap. With her backstory, you'd think she would sympathize with what happened with Bucky. Or maybe she's just full of self loathing.

Until recently, I thought Rufus Sewell and Peter Serafinowicz were the same person.


Is or has?

It's funny because it's true!!