FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Panda Express for Thanksgiving.

Went to Delaware to visit my dad. Visited the shore, found a couple choice pebbles to take home with me. Came home, started playing Knights of the Old Republic, got grumpy and quit because the combat mode is frustrating to me.

I'm going to see it Wednesday night. I'm not terribly excited about it, to be honest.

Didn't he say he was going to Boston?

I get a little weary of the idea that all artists everywhere, regardless of individual background, need to represent everyone all the time. I mean, I get the sentiment, and I agree with it to an extent. Representation matters. But, man, people get whipped into such a state of self righteous frenzy that they forget

This is a hard one (that's what she said).

I got takeout from the local Indian lunch buffet. Thanksgiving has come early. Bitches better stay out of my office for the rest of the day if they know what's good for them.

Combination of being able to afford excellent health care and being a world class athlete?

I didn't realize it until you just said it, but I'm pretty sure that when I heard ggaaayyy in my head when I originally wrote it, it was in Senor Chang's voice.

My reaction to sincere human emotion is juvenile. That's the joke. Saying that something is gay was the type of juvenile reaction I can very clearly remember from middle school. Because 13 year olds tend to be clueless dumbasses. Again, part of the joke.
I can understand your problem with the whole phrasing of

Went to my students' final marching band competition Saturday night. So many crying children. They actually did quite well.
Tried to do some day drinking on Sunday. Fell asleep at 2 PM.

My way of dealing with it has just been to avoid posting anything sincere on Facebook.
I'm not homophobic, but whenever someone posts something meaningful and deeply personal on Facebook, the 13 year old in me just wants to type "GGAAAAAAAYYYYYY" as a response. I have a similar reaction during wedding ceremonies.

I just realized I was confusing him with James Avery. Does confusing two portly, African American actors who both played dads on 90s sitcoms make me racist?

I definitely thought this guy was dead.

Structurally brilliant? It adheres to a very common pop song structure.

Just ordered Knights of the Old Republic based on a suggestion from another AVClubber. I would tag her here or something but I don't know how to do that in Disqus.
Very slowly working through a replay of Skyrim.

Is it the internet that's to blame? People think nowadays that all opinions are created equal. But they're not. Some opinions are based on facts and logic.
Or, here's a novel thought for some : if you don't know a whole lot about an issue, it's ok to not have a strongly formed opinion about it!

Ahead of my word count goal in Nanowrimo. But not to worry, I should fall behind within the next couple of days.
My writing is so scattered and disorganized. It's a little frustrating. I've been working primarily out of the word processor in Google Docs. I wish there was an easier way to jump around between

Just fuck everyone. How did Americans get so stupid? And how do they not realize how stupid they are?

We're coming up on that time of the year when I start really get a hankering for apple cider (the non-alcoholic kind). Just, uh, don't let it sit in your fridge too long.