FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Adam Sandler wanted to take a vacation in Lancaster County.

Based on?

Lol that's silly. The Amish don't play instruments.

I just got the most brilliant idea for a script. It's going to be about a ragtag bunch of musicians from PA Dutch country who band together to form a polka supergroup.

I cleaned out the pantry and felt shame for letting so much food go to waste.

Squirrel trucks. Is there a story there?

I've had others recommend that to me. I actually got a couple at a bookstore while I was in Montreal. I keep forgetting about them though. Thanks for the reminder!

Debating whether or not to go see Deafheaven in Philly this weekend, and a friend who expressed interest in meeting me there is not answering any of my messages. It's getting on my nerves, because I know he has his phone with him at all times.
But, seriously, it's a pretty good week so far, being as that's the most

Did you just "your mom" yourself…?

I got my mental health reined back in. I've been using episodes of The Joy of Painting to help me relax and get my heart rate down. My therapist keeps telling me that the lower my anxiety baseline is, the harder it will be for me to fly off the handle like I did last week.

There's a critical mass that we're inching towards with every mass shooting. It's terrible that we're so desensitized that we haven't hit it yet, but it's coming, and soon. If they can't act like decent human beings, they should at least be smart enough to see that there's a shift coming, and that it doesn't bode

I got it from the Key & Peele East / West Bowl sketch.

Everyone I know who watches it loves it except for the musical numbers. I think they're charming, but apparently other people don't.

Most recipes I see call for American Cheese. Is that what you would use?

My sister had to start getting Humira injections for her psoriasis. It was a giant pain in the ass working out all the details with insurance, but she is doing a lot better.

Well, most people's opinions about homosexuality seem to change when they actually have homosexual people in their life.
I mean, that's an awfully optimistic outcome, but what the hell, it's possible.

It fucking blows my mind. Everyone has fucking had it with all these god damn campus shootings, and what's the GOP's solution? Make it legal for people to have guns on campus?

I just started watching it and I love it. Even the musical numbers.

I tried to make my boyfriend some queso dip on Friday and fucked it up. I couldn't get the cheese to the super gooey consistency I wanted.

Let me do some digging this evening…because I don't remember…