FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

I wouldn't feel as concerned posting my Twitter username on the message boards as I would my email. Twitter has a direct message feature that we can use then. It's what Dik recommended doing.

I signed up for it a few years ago…I don't even remember what my username is. I'll have to do some digging for that.

My novel's going to end up being fanfic, I think. I had a bunch of half formed ideas in my head, but it was really overwhelming. It's been so long since I did any creative writing, I thought it would be easier and more fun to do this instead, to get back into the feel of it, before I get more ambitious.
Accounting is

It's National November Writing Month…I think that's what it stands for. Anyway, you basically use the month of November to write a 50,000 word novel. Mine's gonna suck, but it should be fun anyway.
I studied to be a music teacher in college, but I eventually ended up in accounting. I still am involved in music and

Hmm…maybe I should suck it up and post an email address then. Though after the kerfuffle in the SXSW thread over the weekend, I'm not feeling so great about that.

I'm 31. To be honest, the idea of crossdressing / trans really only recently came onto my radar. I know plenty of gay people, but to my knowledge, I've never really known anyone who is trans. So, in a way, I haven't really had a chance to react one way or another.
I think in the recent years, people have become a

Sorry, I got home from work and I was busy on Nanowrimo. I missed the first day!
I'm from Lancaster, PA, which is sort of the beginning of Pennsyltuckey, so I can sort of sympathize with feeling like you're in an unenlightened area of the country.
I remember everything from when I was younger very well. I've found it

I asked Dik if he knew of any way to do it. I'll see what he says.

I'd be happy to give my opinion, but take it with a grain of salt. I don't have the greatest fashion sense.
Does Disqus have personal messaging? I can use that to send you my email if you want to talk more that way?

I went through puberty really early in elementary school. I was the tallest person in the entire school by the time I was in fifth grade, and had larger boobs than a lot of full grown women. I was cripplingly self conscious about it, and I think that's what pushed me away from women's clothing for a long time. I

Yeah, I can definitely understand your trepidation considering where you live. I think it would be overwhelming enough without having to worry about other people.
As I'm talking to you, I keep thinking of Kevin Barnes from Of Montreal. I've seen him play a few shows, and he usually wears feminine clothing that

I feel like as long as you aren't whipping out shoulder pads, you can call anything vintage or retro and pull it off. If you like it and you think it looks nice on you, then that's more important. Maybe in few years you'll be horrified you ever wore it, but everyone has clothes they think that about.
If you find

I always dressed like a tomboy growing up and was terrified of "feminine" clothes. I developed a lot earlier than most other girls and was horribly self conscious about my body, so I did everything I could to hide it. Thankfully, that seems to have faded.
I wear a dress once in a great while if it's a special

I mean, what did you expect?

What does the dress look like?

Your banana costume brings to mind the time several years ago when I was packed in a train into Philly next to someone in a gorilla suit and someone in a banana suit.

Wait, Andrew Breitbart's dead? I totally missed that…

They really want everyone to know that this turd of a show was their idea?

I couldn't make it through that either. The worst part for me was the blind corner that led to the foyer. I had to psyche myself up to actually see what fresh hell was around that corner every time.

Has he been around lately? I feel like I haven't seen anything from him in a while.