FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Bugs, bats, or both?

Our apartment is in an old house that was built around the late 1800s / early 1900s. It was a funeral home until 1960 or so. The laundry room used to be the embalming room.

I had two ideas for what I'm going to be doing for Nanowrimo, but I don't love either of them and I'm running out of time really quickly. I just keep coming back to the fact that I don't know that I have anything worth writing or saying. I think I'm setting expectations too high.
Do you like the class you're taking?

He's been fairly normal throughout the whole ordeal. But I was laying in bed last night, and I heard him having diarrhea in his box. Then I felt him jump up on the bed and I was like…I'm going to need a protective sheet to keep his anus from touching the bed.
I took him to the vet and they prescribed him an

My cat's got diarrhea.

According to the internet, while bat bugs will bite humans if there are no bats around, they are not vectors for disease.

On Sunday, I was washing my sheets and found a bed bug crawling across the mattress. Naturally, I flipped the fuck out. I called the landlord and he had someone from Ehrlich come by yesterday to do an evaluation. So I give the guy the baggie I put the bug I found in, and he's like, yup, that's a bed bug. So he

That tunnel scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

It's not a term I'd heard before. But it's strange how much I can track the concept in what happened over the weekend. I was upset by the initial insect discovery, but it wasn't immediate panic. But, I knew how it was all going to end up playing out, and I think that ended up priming my brain for the freak out that

I think a lot of it is anxiety about my own anxiety. I'll try to exhaust myself during the day because I'm terrified that I'll wake up during the night with my face numb and heart pounding, feeling completely alone and like the world is ending for some bullshit reason. Way back when I didn't understand what I was

No, I was going to Google for some inspiration, I guess. I have been doing a lot of mental work on dealing with it over the last year, and I have been doing overall better. This wave of anxiety sort of busted right through all that though.

So do I.

OCD / anxiety was triggered over the weekend. We may have a mild infestation of undesirable insects. Ehrlich is coming over tomorrow afternoon to assess the situation. I'm trying not to lose my damn mind but it's a struggle. I have my plan of action in place, I need to stop dwelling on it, it's a problem that can

There's a bit of a waver in her voice that makes it sound like she's just barely holding it together.

After watching him in The Pact, my boyfriend and I decided to start referring to men's ridiculously chiseled jaws as "Casper Van Diens."

I'm sort of curious to see if anyone still uses AIM. I'd log in to see, but I don't remember my PW either…

Ugh. That shit pisses me the fuck off. Not only is it unhelpful, it can actually be actively harmful to the person in pain.

Is there someone you can talk to about it?

That really sucks, but I think you made the smart decision.

I don't know. I don't even know what a group chat is. I just heard my students using the term. I do have a vague idea that it's unfeasible in this situation though.