FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Saying goodbye to animal friends is always hard.

Do you think you'll take it? Or is it one of those the devil you know is better than the devil you don't situations?

Odd story - my friend's father was working on a ladder and had a heart attack. The force of hitting the ground when he fell off the ladder actually helped jump start his heart back to normal-ish until he could get medical attention.

Can't we just do a group chat or something?

The End Is Extremely Fucking Nigh

I think this will eventually constitute pop culture because odds are it's some sort of viral marketing thing, but has anyone watched that crypto puzzle thing that the guy from GadgetZZ posted? I watched it last night and actually had trouble sleeping because it unsettled me that much. I spent a bunch of time reading

That's very frightening. I'm so glad your dad is all right.

Fuck bureaucracy. Every time I have to deal with the accounting department of a large company, I know it's going to make my head explode. They pigeonhole their people until they don't know anything that goes on outside their narrow little field of view, and creates massive departments that are completely

Seriously, what the hell, it's all a haze for me.

I'm thinking Kylo and Rey are Leia and Han's kids.

Important question : Did Mulder and Scully ever end up boning? I mean like in the series, not in my 90s era fanfiction.

You empty them dream catchers? You empty them dream catchers.

I have no idea what you just said.

Usually we just have to present our screaming cockatiel with a paper towel, and he'll calm down. And try to mate with it.

His piano stuff is insanity.
We sang one of the antiphons from his Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom when I was in college. I believe the last note for the basses was two Ds below middle C, and none of them could reliably hit it.
I've sang some long masses before, but the All Night Vigil seems exhausting.

I've had a lot of pets over the years, and it's always rough. Though, I think I'll be absolutely devastated when our cat dies. He's a sweet little thing and has so much personality and is just a great companion.

She was quite cheerful, though she had a range of very grating noises she made.

Have you tried studying while horribly hung over? There's something about reading through a chapter while trying not to vomit that really enhances retention.

My parakeet died. For some reason, that statement seems hilarious, but it actually was quite sad. We hand raised her from when she was just a wee little featherless chick. We'd get up at all hours of the night to feed her formula, microwave her little beanbag thing to keep her warm. I haven't been able to bring

I thought Drake and The Weeknd were the only black people in Canada.