FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

No, sadly. Twas a small liberal arts college in the middle of PA Dutch country.

Fun fact : The Dutchman was my college's official mascot.

I always find the whole idea of the deserving what they get thing in slasher movies to be problematic, but I think that's due to my own personal philosophies more than any filmmakers' intent.

I somewhat agree with you on the trolling / provocation. Trolling, however, always seemed to me to be just pissing someone off for no good reason. Or for the troller's own amusement. Provocation, to me, is deeper than just eliciting a reaction for the sake of the reaction. The provocateur is trying to make an

Edit : Deleting because it adds nothing meaningful to points you already made.

Isn't trolling inherent in this particular horror movie niche?

It kind of sucks when people use your race and gender as your primary descriptors, doesn't it?

Middle name Waxon.

Oh fuck this shit.

So, to use a new term I just learned last week, only fuckboys set squad goals?

Can someone please provide me an example with what a squad goal is?

"The picture was just a put on."

Jennifer Lawrence. I can see absolutely no drawback. Plus I'd get to keep the same first name.

Get that cash, bitch.

Also, you gotta put it on your butt. Butt night lotion application is essential.

I am a female, and I often use lotion at night, but whenever I see it depicted on TV (which is often), it seems weird to me.
My aunt actually has special gloves she puts on after she night lotions to seal the lotion in and absorb all its lotiony-ness. I am not sophisticated enough of a lady to do this.

Big bow on the butt, like all the fanciest prom dresses.

Ugh, I inadvertently viewed footage of this happening to a guy. Wish I could erase it from my brain.

I used to live in Strasburg. I grew to HATE dealing with buggies on the road.
Did you go to Manheim Central? I went to Manheim Township, worked right outside of Manheim off of 72 for a few years.

Yup. Live in Mount Joy at the moment.