FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

You're from Lancaster?

I saw an Amish man at a Sarah Palin rally in Lancaster City. He looked rather tickled by the whole thing.

I get a little paranoid using the work computer.

remember that just because you think something doesn't make it true. I have to tell myself this over and over when my mind keeps doing the "what if this awful thing happened" thing.

Finished the second episode of Penny Dreadful. Spoilers…I guess…but I feel like brutally murdering Proteus while he's talking about how many friends he's going to have is almost a cheap shot.

Writing Thread

Cleaned for about six hours in preparation for a ten minute visit this morning from the landlord and appraiser. Obviously worth it. But at least now I have a shiny, clean apartment.
My company is having a conference for all the important employees today and tomorrow. There's only six of us left in the office

Don't say you're having a kegger if you don't mean it. My heart can't take it.

That wig / mustache combo he had in the premiere was pretty banging.

I had a decadently lazy three day weekend, only to get a text from my landlord last night that he's refinancing his mortgage and that he and an appraiser are coming by Wednesday morning to look around.
So, I mean, I need to do some cleaning, but it's not like the apartment's a disaster or anything, but somehow I got

What what? What's it about?

Writing Thread

This is just awful. I'm so sorry.

Everyone will just think I'm a slutty pirate. And they wouldn't be wrong.

It's all they have left. They don't want to admit that maybe Obama is leaving office with the country in better shape than when he took it, so they need to scream as loud about something else to distract everyone.

I'm going to eat cheese curls an ice cream for dinner tonight. And I'm looking forward to it.

Streamed Deafheaven's new album on NPR yesterday. My shitty work computer speakers aren't exactly ideal, but I do believe I quite like it. Hoping to go see them again when they come back to Philly.

My downstairs neighbor has about thirty parrots in her apartment. Sometimes she yells at them. Like, "I'm going to take you back to the Amazon!" or "I live here too!" She takes very good care of them, so I wouldn't call it hoarding…but I'm not sure it's entirely healthy either.

If it helps at all, I once overheard my HR director say that she considers a bit of nervousness in an interviewee a good thing. It means that they care.

I have a very long day of work and rehearsal tomorrow, but I took Friday as a vacation day. I feel like the excitement I feel lately over the prospect of sleeping in is getting out of hand.