FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

I've heard of this but never done it. Have you?

Seriously? This weekend? Is pope mania still going to be going on, because I'm not going near Philly for that, even on Amtrak. Otherwise, I'm down.

Theres definitely an element of that, but I think there's more to it than just being a parody.

I remember one of the writers from Community talking about how Dan Harmon made him be a better writer by forcing him to throw out the majority of what he had written and rewrite it, then repeat that process until he had a written a really good script. I believe the process was also interspersed with naps and heavy

I definitely get in the mode where I'm stuck on one sentence for an hour because it's not perfect. It's like I know what I want to say, but it's just out of my reach.

Weasel / Bishop. I ship it.

I shouldn't have used that phrase. I think their events are good for anyone who's looking to become a CPA, not just recent college grads.
Good luck to you!

Orthodontics in America is a goddamn racket, I say.

I bombed the exam, so I'm not one to tell you. Everyone I know who passed basically gave up nine months to a year of their lives studying for it.
There's great earning potential for a CPA, but there are times when the schedule is going to be rough, especially during tax season.
My observation is that the most

What a bunch of dolts. Well, at the very least, I suppose you could bide your time until tax season when they're scrambling for temp hires.

This is true, though I'm following mainly through Facebook, so there's the comments thread there. Though, we all know the quality of the commenting on Facebook…

Writing Thread

I appreciate the fact that they're trying to give us a forum to talk about dumb celebrity stuff that's not worthy of Newswire attention. I think I would have rather it was just a section of the AVClub itself, though, rather than its own site.

CPA firms are giving you this issue? I always felt like once you passed your CPA exam, you were home free, rather than trying to get a job at a firm without it, trying to convince them that you'll pass it eventually.

The orthodontist insisted on removing mine when I was in middle school. They hadn't even broken through the gum yet. They had to put me completely under, and couldn't even reach the top ones. I bled quite a bit afterwards, and swallowed quite a bit of blood, which made nauseous and unable to keep down the pain

I called up Comcast a while back wanting to disconnect our landline because we never use it. The lady told us that if we kept it, she could give us a twenty dollar discount every month, as opposed to if we got rid of it. I just sort of squawked "How?!?" into the phone, and ended up keeping the stupid thing.
Moral of

That's brutal, I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you in any sort of therapy?

Congratulations on being a CPA! That test was the hardest thing I ever took in my life.
Edit : Feel free to make a dick joke. I unwittingly set myself up for it.

I signed up for Be the Match a while back. I was shocked at how easy it was to do.

That's awful. I'm so sorry for what your family must be going through.