FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

I quit marching band like, three weeks ago, which turned out to be a really good decision for me, though I felt bad about doing it. I told the head woodwinds guy that, if he ever needed help in a pinch, I could sub for him. I didn't really mean it, I just thought it was a nice thing to say. Turns out, he's out of

Roky Erickson - Never Say Goodbye

I don't know why people don't bring it up every damn time his name is mentioned.

I was very young during his Blue Velvet / Twin Peaks era, so it's hard for me to measure his standing back then versus his standing once I became more aware of such things. With that said, I get the sense that the late 90s were probably a bit rough for him, until he ended up on Sex and the City, which sort of put him

Depressed and alcohol dependent are the right skill set for a stand up career. Good luck!

You should read Dlisted if you don't already. Terrence Howard is forever cemented in my mind as the man who makes his ladies wipe with baby wipes after using the toilet.

You lie.

Did anyone's career recover from that movie?

Yeah. Yeah, that's totally all I meant by that.

I'm going to go on a "get off my lawn" rant regarding a FB / Instagram trend I've been seeing. For instance, one friend has been counting the days that she's been in a relationship with her boyfriend. So whenever she posts on FB that they're doing something together, she'll be like "Day #298 : Went to amusement

I may just dump it. Black mold worries me quite a bit. I don't think it's something I want to mess around with.

It always takes me a few months to settle into a routine in a new place, and figure out where I want what.

Are you dilly-dallying because you're depressed?

I know. Is there a safe way to clean that shit out?

My grandfather passed away when I was in high school. He did a lot of woodworking - made me a toy box, a bookshelf, step stools, baker's racks, stuff like that. I have a pile of furniture in my apartment that I don't know what to do with because it doesn't really fit anywhere and I can't bear to let it go.

That's kind of weird. If you see him again, maybe you can introduce him to some new stuff. Musically.

I slept and played video games all weekend. Because I'm an adult.

I think I got to where Emma climbs the beanstalk to steal something from a giant played by Jorge Garcia. That's when I finally gave up trying to like it and admitted that it was just awful.

Yes, just not too much.

I just read your username while eating lunch. Appetite's gone.