FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Ah, the old "incestuous sex offender is being persecuted because he's Christian" argument.

Also, tax breaks out the ass.

I wonder about that too. You don't do something like that to five different girls and then get to say that it was bad judgment or a mistake. I guess I just wonder what the implications are when a fourteen year old does something like that.

I don't know if this is the place for it, but how likely, psychologically speaking, is it that this guy is still a sexual predator?

That's exactly why I'd like to have seen Peggy's reaction to the ad. Though, it's also ambiguous how much professional interaction Peggy and Don would have had at McCann. It would have interested me to see how Don would present the idea to Peggy, to see if she would be supportive or if it would have inspired some

After the Coke ad ending, I keep thinking about Don's "employee review" with Peggy where he asked her about her future, and she basically said she wanted to make a difference in the world through advertising. He laughed at her at the time, then ended up making the Coke commercial. I would have liked to have seen

You're going to break a heel if you keep running around kicking dudes in the nuts.

The nursery near me sells oothecas for you to put in your garden to deal with insects. I'd never seen it before I started shopping there.

I just got around to listening to Carrie & Lowell the last couple of weeks. I had sort of had it with Sufjan, which is probably why it took me a while. It's very, very good. But I can't let myself listen to it anymore, at least not at the moment. It's really too emotionally overwhelming for me to deal with,

I've gone back and forth on Sufjan. I think this is a great album, and while I like that he's trying different kinds of instrumentation, it doesn't always work very well. In a way, it's charming, but I also eventually soured on him.
Anyway, Carrie & Lowell brought me back around again. It's all the wonderful

If you need evidence, I was not planning on seeing it until it got great reviews. Sample size of 1 = theory confirmed.

Scott Speedman or GTFO.

Isn't there a whole Tumblr dedicated to the kind of discriminatory bullshit statements women in film have to deal with?

Did either of them ever get their comeuppence?

…this was renewed? How?

Documentation of…what? That you requested a necessary repair be completed?

Are you able to consult a lawyer regarding the landlord thing? I know that where I live, you have to follow a procedure for evicting a tenant. I don't see a court viewing rudeness as a compelling reason to be evicted.

My father has done this to me as well. Luckily, however, I have my own place. The last couple times I was at his house and he started up with it, I told him that it was time for me to leave and left. That actually seems to have put an end to it.

Sorry I hijacked your comment. It looked like a stand alone comment when I first posted the above. I don't know if I'm just doing Disqus wrong or what.

Is this a "fuck that shit - work edition" thread? Cause I need one of those.