FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

My observations indicate that most women find it funny, rather than sexy.

Watch that movie Something New with Sanaa Lathan.


Olyuha is discussing the hashtag, not using it to tag the post. I feel the downvote is too harsh.

You're in the midst of a comments section tantrum right now. I'll come back when you've calmed down.

Dude, did RDJ refuse to star in your indie film or something? Your anger seems out of proportion to his statement.

Laid off? Like, with the summer approaching, they didn't have enough movies for everyone to review or something?

I want to see this movie.

It was the only music streaming service at my work that IT didn't bother to block. Damn.

It was a bummer, because I hadn't even realized that he was in it until he showed up on screen, and then he got killed off almost immediately.
I would probably be more interested in a prequel than a sequel, but I doubt that their target audience feels the same way.

If they can find a way to bring Colin Firth back, can they bring Jack Davenport back too?

I had such a hard time with the Revenants in that game. The ones in the Brecilian Wilds also repeatedly kicked my ass, but you don't necessarily need to fight those to advance the main story line.

We have some live traps at work. I'm going to borrow one and start the process.
It doesn't help that my downstairs neighbor feeds them. I seriously saw a squirrel running across the roof the other day with an entire slice of bread in its mouth.

What a dick. Without evidence of damage to either vehicle, I have a hard time believing he's going to get much of anywhere with his lawsuit.

The squirrels went after my seedlings. I came home to find them scattered all over the porch. It is on.

I forgot my dad's birthday on Monday. I mean, I have a reputation amongst my family for forgetting birthdays, but I feel like a giant piece of shit right now.

Up-voted in spite of the wasted potential username / comment synergy.

Or maybe it's because of people like you, who think all lower class people are idiots, and only start listening when someone from the middle class takes on the issue.

Has it not occurred to you that maybe revolutionary movements started by upper middle classes are more successful because the upper middle class has access to more resources?

I actually understand what you're getting at better now. I think it's a mistake, though, to lump all lower class Americans into Bible thumping / homophobic / xenophobic / etc.