FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

So how is long term change achieved in this situation? Peaceful protests are largely ignored. Violent protest is decried. Is there some sort of happy medium civil disobedience that will both get people's attention and avoid the kind of mindless, destructive mob mentality that comes from rioting?

I don't see what history books have to do with your skewed perspective.

You're absolutely right. Innocent people get hurt, and I can't mentally sweep it under the rug and reconcile it as just an unfortunate byproduct of a larger issue.
But, as someone who has not been subjected to the kind of systematic police brutality that African Americans have been, I also can't in good faith

Thank goodness there are people like you around willing to take on this veritable modern day white man's burden.

After reading the idiocy you posted all over that Shonda Rhimes article, the fact that I actually somewhat agree with your statement here has made me pause and reconsider my opinion.

This kind of thing is common in areas of PA too.

I absolutely hate pants that are too tight in the crotch (I'm a chick, if that makes a difference…which it probably does). I generally hate the way most women's pants are tailored in the waist. If I get pants that fit my waist, the ass is too tight, and if I get pants that fit my ass, the waist is too big.

We've been having pretty temperate weather the last few days, so I put my seedlings out to harden them, and I think I doomed the poppies. I'm a little heartbroken over it.

I desperately need to take an honest look at my work wardrobe and make some adult decisions. The biggest problem I'm having right now is that my clothes just don't fit me well and it makes me look sloppy. Especially with pants. I like looser fitting pants, but I can never find a pair that feels comfortable that's

Well, the Phanatic body slamming those three dudes in hot dog costumes was pretty fun. And that's about it.

If there was ever a time for Philadelphia fans to live up to their reputation, then now is it. Seriously, just…ugh…

Finished Dragon Age Origins, making my way through Dragon Age Awakenings. The Ser Pounce-a-Lot revival powers have come quite in handy.

Not saying that there aren't some people out there who just suck at it, but it happens fairly often that there are issues going on with the instrument that are making it difficult for the student to play. Particularly if their parents bought them one of those shit instruments that they sell at Walmart. It's actually

Reservations - Wilco (Yankee Hotel Foxtrot)

I'm trying to get back into regularly practicing clarinet. In college, I practiced at least an hour a day, aside from ensemble rehearsals and whatnot. So, I start with my warmup, and I sound awful, but that's ok. What's not ok is that after twenty minutes of practice, I had shooting pain in my wrist from holding

A friend was telling me she had her assistant input a bunch of cost information into a spreadsheet and then tally it. Her assistant put all the info in, but instead of tallying the cost amounts, she just tallied the number of rows she entered info into. Some people need very explicit instruction…

I have almost nothing to do right now because my coworkers are just sitting on stuff I need. I hate sitting here twiddling my thumbs so much. Maybe because it gives me time to realize that maybe I mind my job more than I think I do. It was the same yesterday, and it just messes with me.

Whenever I watch PC playthroughs, I wish I had a gaming PC. I just really can't justify buying one. I'm using my boyfriend's old XBox 360 to do all my gaming catch up.

Is there some sort of support group you can look into?

Sorry, didn't mean to come off mean. It just seemed like too much of a coincidence to assume that you weren't joking.