FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Are you joking? Didn't MTV just announce they were rebooting this today?

My seedlings are doing well. I need to put them outside to harden them, but I'm afraid that a frost will catch me unawares. I feel really protective of them.

This may prove unpopular, but I'm still bummed over Selfie being cancelled.

Can you, like, just not invite him over anymore? Or would that throw a wrench into the gears of the machine that is your social circle?

What type of needs do you have?

"Can I put my package in your box?" - my co-workers, yesterday

I assumed it was a metaphor for sex.

At the end of the day, godammit he's killing this shit.

If you have to spew, spew into this.

I love the way the Peggy / Joan relationship has developed. No one else really gets what it is to be an ambitious woman in that kind of environment, and while they're not really "friends," I feel like they have a pretty strong bond. One of my favorite scenes is when Peggy bursts into Joan's office all like "can you

I disagree. Peggy definitely had seniority over Joan. There was that time she fired one of the other copy writers who drew that lewd picture of Joan and Lane, thinking she was doing Joan a solid.
Also, looking at it through the lens of the era, while Joan had considerable power in the office, she was still a

Good to know. Maybe when I come to a lull I'll get back to Dishonored and try it again to see if that makes a difference in how much I like the game.

I actually interpreted Peggy's feelings about Joan a bit differently. I felt like finding out that Joan had been made partner was a slap in the face to Peggy, considering that Peggy was in a higher position and, at the time, had made more substantial contributions to the company. I think it really just cemented in

Video Game Catchup : Finished Bioshock : Infinite last weekend, after receiving a very helpful tip on the final battle from a fellow AVClubber. My boyfriend thought I'd be into Dishonored, so I started playing that, but I was just not into it, and ended up scrapping it after a couple of hours. Starting Dragon Age :

Ugh…last time I used it, this old dude and his son showed up in a pickup truck with a Confederate license plate (I live in Pennsylvania). Instead of parking in the driveway, they backed the truck onto the lawn. Once they had loaded up what they came for, they started looking around at our other stuff (stuff that we

I recently listened to it on Librivox. The woman who read the Dole translation did a really nice job, if you're into audiobooks.

Sorry, I should have done a better job of indicating my sarcasm in the above comment.

I got an old clarinet off of Craigslist for $50 last week. Last night after work I started in earnest to try and restore it. It turned pretty stressful pretty quickly. I mean, I guess the whole point is that I got this cheap ass clarinet to use as a guinea pig so that I can get some hands on learning, but I'm

My stepdad claims to have been able to bulk up by consuming like, a shitload of those Slimfast shakes.

Don't you know that being intolerant of intolerant people makes you a hypocrite?