FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Who's making you do this bullshit?

Something similar happened to my dad a few years ago. He had a rough time finding something else in his field, so he ended up taking part time gigs driving for Enterprise and FedEx and whatnot. It definitely wasn't what he planned, and threw a wrench in the timeline of his retirement plans, but he actually has ended

This too shall pass?

I relied heavily on Freecycle the last couple times I moved. Someone was willing to take nearly anything I posted on there, though it troubles me because I'm pretty sure some of them were hoarders.

Jesus, that sounds terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that you're dealing with all of that.

Similar is not the same. This has already been addressed up thread.

Yeah, it's definitely not like a pediatrician could refuse to treat the child of a lesbian couple. Oh, wait, what, that's already happened?

Worked like a charm. You's my dawg!


My boyfriend kept popping his head in the room to see how I was doing, and I finally got pissed at him and told him to leave me alone. I was a little touchy after failing it a few times.

I may end up doing that. If a game is too hard for you and it's taking all the enjoyment out of it, then what's the point of playing?

Adding it to my ever growing list…

Still playing video game catch up. I'm a bit stuck in Bioshock Infinite right now at the battle on Comstock's ship versus the Vox airships / zeppelins. As soon as the Patriots show up and start shooting my core, I'm done. Any tips on strategy for that one?
I tried to download a copy of Phantasmagoria last weekend to

Day One Challenge : Beat that bitch with a bat.

I looked it up for you! SJW appears to stand for "Social Justice Warrior."

What was that book called, that was like Lord of the Flies, but with chicks?

That's ridiculous. I mean, you really should have a comma in your username, but even though you don't, it's still implied.

Do I count as a girl if other commenters just assume I'm a guy?

Huh…oooohhhh! Right…yeah, they only made that first one.

They made a second Kick-Ass movie. It came out in 2013.