FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

I've heard really awesome things about Shadow of Mordor. My boyfriend just got it, so we're probably going to have to work out some sort of joint custody of the PS4 so we can both play it.

Word. It's gonna take me a while to get caught up. I'm excited about Inquisition.

It's been relatively recently that I've allowed myself to enjoy playing games without letting myself feel guilty or like I'm wasting my life. I think it's also that, with certain games, I get obsessed and play for hours and hours on end to the detriment to everything else in my life.
So, basically, I'm way behind the

I always shipped Jo and Laurie, even though I know Professor Bhaer was a better match for her. The Winona Ryder version of the movie really cemented that for me.

…you're into witchcraft?

That sounds wonderful. I hope you have an easy move!

I do fairly well until it gets to summer and I need to water my plants twice a day to keep them from burning up.

This last week has been temperate and melted a good part of the snow, though I think we'll get one or two more small snows here. I'm being proactive and starting the seeds indoors before I transplant them outside.

It's like that song about the parking lot.

Ms. Jackson if you please.

But why?

Wait, what? Reposted Avenged Sevenfold Fan died?

That's so exciting! What part of the world are you in?

Gardening Thread?

Actually, if we were placing bets, my money would be on that being some sort of Scarlet Witch induced hallucination in Banner's mind.

I just read the Wikipedia entry. That's rather gloomy and a bit scary. What do you do about it?

Natasha's upgrading.

I will give that a try tonight. Thanks!

I fear that you may be onto something. I don't dislike my job. Or maybe I've become very good at convincing myself that I don't dislike it.

I streamed The Awakening on Netflix a few weeks ago. The plot was strained, but it had some good creepy moments.