FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Writing, arranging music, playing music, reading. And to be honest, I don't really know. The most articulate answer I can give is that, when I get home from work, I just don't feel like it, even though they are things that I enjoy doing. That's what gets me, too. It's not like, cleaning the toilet or folding

Take whoever wrote it to court. Bouncing a check for $250K is some bullshit.

What part of the country are you in?

If nothing was signed, they can rescind. But if an employer's shitty enough to pull something like that, maybe it's for the best that you never end up working for them.

Mental Health Thread??

Yeah…I feel like that movie is geared towards teenage boys. I didn't even enjoy the fight sequences.

I got Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time out of storage a while back and started replaying them, and I ended up having a goddamn anxiety attack. I was so upset that I ended up giving my N64 and the two games to one of my coworker's kids. I sort of regret doing that now. One of my coping mechanisms when I'm having

Look, I get it. I've had a couple instances of role models in my life who messed up, and not just a little. Like, go to jail for thirty years messed up. It's like a punch to gut. It almost physically hurts.
You don't have to forget all the good things a person did when you find out that they aren't everything you

So, you're mad because people tore down your false idol?

lol wut?

Where did he slap the horse? Like, in the rear, on in the face? Was there a cop on the horse at the time of the slapping?

I know it's hard to deal with, but it's possible for people to have mixed feelings about issues.

Is there really such thing as "too drunk" at Penn State?

That is definitely my thought process. A+ for nuance.

I think it was pretty well agreed upon that, in order to atone, Penn State needed a culture change. That's why they were sanctioned.
I've never heard a Penn State student / alumni acknowledge this. Most of what I hear is how unfair it was to punish the "kids" (by kids, they mean the college football players, not

I agree. It annoys me that THON gets to play the part of the noble victim in this.

Can I hate THON without being an asshole? Having half a dozen college students standing in the middle of busy intersections in town trying to get you to give them money while you're stuck next to them at a stop light is annoying.

I mean, on one hand, I can't imagine that there are a lot of English speakers who recognize a South African accent when they hear one. On the other hand, aren't writers supposed to do fact checking prior to publishing articles, even if it's something like The Hater?

We finally got our heat working again last night after four days of bullshit from the repairman. Our apartment was 57 in the front and 40 in the bathroom. Which is tolerable, but damn, it wears down on you, especially when you come in from outside where it feels like less than 0 F with the windchill.

I'm not sure this fits in the album thread, so sorry in advance. I'm trying to arrange "Turn Away" off Morning Phase for a high school woodwind ensemble, with either "Cycle" or "Phase" as part of the intro. Now I'm double guessing myself as to why I thought it was a good idea, which I seem to do whenever I undertake