FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Isn't Chappie South African…?

Well, there's the Chameleon, where you can catch performances from esteemed bands such as Jimmy's Chicken Shack and Fuel.

The American Music Theater in Lancaster is the freaking worst. I think it's cool he's coming here, but I wish he'd play at a different venue. Not that there's that many to choose from…

I think you're being dismissive of a great song and artist, which doesn't bother me so much as a West fan. You're missing out on great music.

If I were to write an analysis of the song, what I posted above would be the main points I would hit.
I see where you're getting the similarities, but I feel like the comparisons you're making are so broad that they're sort of useless. The similarity between Fergie and Bon Iver pretty much stops after "they're both

How does it sound like the Black Eyed Peas to you?

More like a rabies movie.

I really love reading and writing fanfiction. I use a separate email that my husband doesn't know about to do so. If he or anyone else in my life ever found out about it, I would be absolutely mortified. I sometimes wonder if he actually knows and just doesn't say anything for my sake.

What Brienne says is spot on. A therapist provides guidance, but should not be looked to as an authority figure. My therapist actually had to actively discourage me from seeing her like that. I would ask her what to do when it came to big decisions, because it felt safer for me to have her make those decisions for

I guess I say theoretical because I don't think there's any good evidence to indicate that it was reality.

Was anyone else struck by how much you can hear Jay making shit up during that interview with the police?

Ok, well, if we're getting into gut feelings and stuff that isn't really relevant when it comes to a court of law, I think he's displayed a range and complexity of emotion that I find extremely difficult to believe that someone who's guilty could fake. This was especially highlighted for me in the second to last

I actually disagree with the reasons you list that make him seem guilty. The motive is theoretical. Beyond Jay's testimony, which Sarah has poked so many holes in that it seems almost worthless, there's no indication that Adnan was angry about the breakup. The evidence against him is loosely circumstantial. And,

I do think you're right. And if I were in her position, I would be super excited about that development. But, as a listener, hearing her be so gleeful about a serial killer murdering Hae was off putting, and yet I can't blame her for it.

Man, that lawyer from the Innocence Project really came off badly to me in this episode. When she was talking to Sarah right after she reviewed the case, one of the first alternatives she brought up was a serial killer. And, lo and behold, she went and found herself a serial killer to fit her theory.

I teared up a bit as I listened to Adnan's letter. The depth and complexity of emotion that he displays seems, at least to me, impossible to fake. His regret that he expressed in an earlier episode, that if he had been a better Muslim he would never have gotten dragged into this, that really struck me. And the idea

I went to see Jeff Mangum when he was touring by himself and it was amazing. As soon as he started singing, it was like, yes…it's really him. My boyfriend called it a "musical bigfoot."
We went to see Neutral Milk Hotel play a few months ago, and it wasn't bad, but disappointing in how unmemorable it was. Maybe all

I've had really bad anxiety / OCD for most of my life. I've been on medication for it for over ten years and have been in therapy off and on for a few years. For whatever reason, this latest round of therapy has worked really well for me. I have very little anxiety, and when I do I've become a lot better at

Funny story - I live in Lancaster and used to do the books for a local horse rescue. I've seen a couple ex-Amish draft horses come through, a Halflinger and a Percheron, both in wretched shape that would have been auctioned off to slaughter had the rescue not grabbed them first.

I know, I know. When I first saw the trailer for Thor, I was really uneasy about it, because I generally like Kenneth Branagh and want to like his movies. I ended up really liking it. Maybe this will be the same deal. This trailer really made me cringe, though.