FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

The trailer makes this look like almost a beat for beat remake of the Disney cartoon, which bothers me. What's the point?

I agree, I sort of hated the first V/H/S. All the segments felt like they were written by a bunch of bros, with the exception of the last one. I didn't bother with the second one, but now I'm thinking maybe I should reconsider.

I don't know if talking about Hae more as a person and not just a murder victim provides any sort of narrative thrust, but I find myself wishing more for that. It's so sad to me that all most people know of her now is that she was a murder victim. I would not want that for myself or my loved ones.

Up until last week, I thought there was no way. But, for some reason, after last week's episode, I just can't get past the fact that Jay knew where Hae's car was.

Booo! I didn't think this would make it past the first season, but I was hoping for at least a back end order for it.

I feel like I saw an article not too long ago that addresses the issue of women's clothing not having pockets (or at least not functional pockets) as a feminist issue.

I've been on staff with the marching band from a local high school. This is the last week of the season, and I can't wait to have my evenings and weekends back. The kids are great to work with, but the other staff make me want to throw a chair across the football field Bobby Knight style.

Chicks never have stuff in their pockets, because it makes their feminine forms look bulky and unflattering.

I just want to take a moment to say how much I love my Mr. Bento lunch box.

I want to make money so I've been thinking about creating makeup tutorials on YouTube even though I don't really wear makeup because holy crap have you seen how many hits those things get?

Please expound further on this Tommy Wiseau / Kanye West comparison of yours. I'm genuinely curious to hear it.

I'm having trouble gauging your self awareness level right now.

Transatlanticism is one of those albums that really evokes a particular time of my life, and I guess for the sake of nostalgia I can't hate it completely. Just mostly.
But, yeah, once I got out of college and got on with my adult life, their music began to ring false to me.

I really liked Death Cab for Cutie in college. Now, I have this visceral hatred for them. This song is one of the worst for me. I can't articulate why I hate them so much very well. It's like their lyrics are designed to make dumbass teenagers think they're super deep.
If we're going with music about mortality,

I've been on staff for marching band for a local high school, and I'm contemplating leaving to go to a different district. The head guy for the band is the absolute worst, but the kids are really great and I've gotten attached to them, so it would kind of break my heart to leave them.

Did you start using a new detergent or anything? You sure it's not hives?

My boyfriend and I are going to start making nice, adult like meals to eat on Sunday nights to combat Sunday night anxiety. Anyone have some inexpensive comfort food ideas?

Has anyone watched The League of Extraordinary Dancers (LXD!!!) on Youtube? I think Jon Chu directed that. There's one awesome one where two guys get in an after hours dance battle at the office, which ends with one of them slipping on a piece of paper while trying to dance on a desktop and dying. Well, I assumed

I think that was also totally the plot to that Jessica Alba movie Honey.

I have this vision in my head of squirrels exploding through the drywall and pouring into the house like that scarab attack scene from The Mummy.