Ha. 4. He wins again hes king.
Ha. 4. He wins again hes king.
As per the Tuff-Guy manual, before any physical engagement, the Tuff-Guy must first engage in a series of hold-me-back's.
Mine stowed away on a cargo ship in like 1905. I dont give a shit if new immigrants follow rules I dont care about. Meet them at the border, hand them a work ID, and let them go about their business.
How about punishing with real fines or jail for people who hire undocumented immigrants? So like, if the owner of a hotel chain hired a bunch, hed go to jail? Is that a possibility?
As long as he plays Freebird and Sweet Home Alabama, conservatives will vote for him.
If I were a craven attention whore with no sense of shame, I’d sell literally everything while spouting conservative platitude.
Domestic abuse, rape, and the n-word. Three things conservatives will always defend.
Given your historical prowess, can you explain for the class if any of those black/brown nations were always sovereign or if they were influenced at all by white western nations? Like, European nations never "owned" anything in Africa or South America, and those nations merely failed on their own merits, right?
Yeah. This is in fact such a good move, I think the president should take 10 to 15 percent as a commission/birthday president. Without his brilliant leadership, all the Mexican countries would just take advantage.
A war is just enough to get a person who isnt thrilled with trump to get all misty with red white and blue love it or leave it murrican patriotism that needs complete devotion to all things republican. At least that's what they're banking on.
File this under "No Shit"
I wonder how trump would fare in a fist fight. I hope we get to find out.
I love the guillotine. Make it a live TV event. You wont have to get too many of these assholes before they start to straighten up, either. The guy that proposed the change in water supply and the guy that signed off on it would suffice. I bet a lot of pending proposals would be retooled if that happened.
How often do you think he gets to have sex with his wife? I think she got him once on the honeymoon and once after he showed her where money is printed (though she looked like she’d have jumped anything that day). Beyond that I'm thinking she dangles it out there without delivering while fucking the pool guy or her…
Lincoln may have been a Republican. Booth was a conservative. They dont like it when you point that out.
I said what I said.
Melania is off getting hers, aware but unconcerned of The Donald's marital transgressions. Dollars to dildos shes whacked it to Obama. I hope she tells the trumpster as much on his deathbed.
Something something something doomed to repeat it.
It’s basically a microcosm of what we do on an international stage. We’ll do whatever we want where we want, then scream “dont tread on me bro” when told we dont have the authority to do something.
The people who built a wall on land that isnt theirs complained of government overreach.