Hes just coming up for air before burying his face in Trumps taint. He'll be back to his shit in no time.
Hes just coming up for air before burying his face in Trumps taint. He'll be back to his shit in no time.
She was talking about beers.
Remember the time he lied about liking beer, mfm threesomes, and anal sex in high school because admitting to doing those three things might have made his accusers’ statements more plausible? Those were the days.
Are you sure or just Russian to judgement? This Sauds farfetched to me.
Remember the time Obama got dijon mustard on a cheeseburger?
Trump could torch their fields and insurance policies in the same night and the farmers would still line up to fellate/vote for him. It would be fascinating if it weren't so infuriating.
No soap washes away that much shame and spray tan.
Hey, hey, civility. Reasonable Republicans are watching.
I bet they didnt even get him French fries and cheeseburgers like he likes. No class.
If you dont want to die in a war you didnt start and didnt sign up for, dont be born brown in a desert with oil in it. They should know better by now.
Skeep well, Darth Vapor. The empire has your back.
I dont think it would stop them at all. You'll never stop the corporate animal from doing their thing, especially if they're close enough to be next in line.
Democrats, blacks, poor people, and the occasional white-collar person who fucked over rich people and/or Martha Stewart.
Land of the free, baby.
Id wager you support the second amendment without a hint of irony, too.
Fuck that nonsense. The threat of violence is what keeps us poors in line. Let them get a taste.
Once a year, the CEO’s of every fortune 500 company that had a certain number of layoffs should be rounded up and dropped to their knees in a circle, and one duly elected union member gets to spin the bottle and Negan the fuck out of them.
You're all over it, bud.
Exactly. Democrats need more of the same centrists as they've had the last few decades if they want to change the status quo. The reasonable trump supporter is who we need to be angling for, not the disinterested nonvoter.
These fucks have been pulling up the ladder behind them at every turn for decades. Of course they are going to try to take the planet with them when they die.