
For any kind of performance, SSDs have displaced HDDs already. I can't imagine anyone buying/building a PC without a SSD, unless they're purely using it for browsing/office tasks. If it was a notebook/laptop being used for that, I'd still recommend a SSD due to the extended battery life.

Sounds like you might have a newer UEFI based motherboard? That would account for the short POST time - for Windows 8 certification it has to POST and handoff in a few seconds, I think.

Not if you're using the standard low-power sleep state - it doesn't hibernate, it doesn't power off, it goes to sleep. It keeps memory powered and shuts everything else off. PC POSTs, and then Windows resumes from RAM. Equivalent to hibernate, without having to load from drive>RAM as well.

I'd be interested in seeing a video of you loading from powered off (i.e.; not in sleep state) to 7 desktop/lock screen in 5s. 7 itself takes at least that much time from either cold or hibernate, plus POST time.

FAT32 is a file system type, not a drive type. You could have a SSD formatted to FAT32 and it wouldn't need defragmenting, while a standard HDD with a FAT32 partition would.

Your PC booting in 5 seconds is down to Windows 8 using new low-power states. It is not down to your SSD, simply your CPU/RAM in this state.

SSDs are a big step up from 7200RPM drives, even the faster ones. However, there are the intermediary steps of RAID and 10kRPM drives that many people use. Sequential reads on my

Goddamn HPBs.

I was laughing by the second explosion, pretty much all the way to the last one which I saw coming but was still funny.

Needs some vinyl dye on those cables, but otherwise pretty nice. I like the glowing eyes and Tri-Optimum logo.

The only one I found funny was the Uncle Ben, and that's because I wasn't expecting it.

DayZ *thrives* on player interaction, in all its forms. You can go off by yourself and try to survive, but the moments you remember will be those where you encounter other players.

It started off alright, but it's not noteworthy by any means.

Just realised I wrote "all these at once would be a huge PITA", when I meant "individually".

It looks like the process of folding is done using heat. They're probably burn/smoke marks.

Oh, thank fuck.

"the guy"?

In the same way that a free cake, covered in poop, is still free.

Either they're employing people of sub-standard intelligence, or they're deliberately causing grief for their customers.

Just be glad it's not Uplay.

Aquaria by BitBlot makes my wishlist for sequels. It had plenty of fan-made stories, but I'd love an Aquaria 2. It's just a really nice game.