
Although he's done plenty of damage so far, I get the impression that when they grow up a bit Hank and Dean will get along great with ole Rusty. Hes even started stumbling into some good parenting as the show goes on

Google Hillarys involvement in Libya circa 2011 and Honduras circa 2009 and really think about what you're doing when you decide Hillary is a lesser evil. Honestly shocked to be reading how little people here know of her track record. Calling her a war monger is a kindness.

to my enjoyment of the show foremost, but i already smell a juvi race war based on that last shot with him and carl getting that sweet new do rag

Chuckie with the charles manson swastika tattoo is important.

"Don't shoot, I'm white!"

hmm… while that's probably the more accurate interpretation, seeing as this show is super sad and enjoys wallowing in everyone's sadness, I like to think Debbie got through to him at least a little bit by comparing him to Frank

This episode really nailed an aspect of the show that made me fall in love with it at the beginning: these are lived in characters. The entire series these characters are referencing periods in there lives where Monica whirlwinds her way through or Frank manages to hit a new low, and now we're at a point where we've