Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”
This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.
I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.
The lack of organizing has been the death of the Sanders campaign. They put all their money into huge rallies, TV ads, and internet presence. They trained no one. His supporters do not understand the process, so they’re all ready to believe whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory or imaginary delegate math scenarios…
9. Hear an opinion or worldview different from your own, and actually listen to it without interrupting or losing your damn mind.
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition?
Wall-E is so much better than The Incredibles, and Ratatouille is so much better than up. You are insane.
Unpopular opinion incoming.
“...enfolded by the filthy shower curtain he wears around the house like a toga while he sobs and eats ice-cream sandwiches and leaves anonymous nasty comments on Paul Krugman’s blog.”
In the years since, he has been a reliable producer of out-of-touch, tissue-thin pronouncements on the perils of our secularized, technologized 21st century lives, virtually all of which rightly can be interpreted as passive-aggressive nostalgia for what Family Circus comics told him “outdoors” might have been like…
He thought way harder about that than Bungie did about the entirety of Destiny's storyline..
Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.
How about school districts, for people with or planning to have kids? That would be pretty high on the list for me in the future. It's unfortunate that most of the good public school districts in the US are in the suburbs, for people who like to live in the city
The War of Art
Getting Things Done
Vote: Timbuk2 Commute
It is crazy to anyone with any type of experience in both combat and war zones. The amount of things that need to go right in order to frame another power for something is incredibly high and usually not worth the risk. This is especially so since the separatists already have shot down multiple Ukraine aircraft and…
Perhaps as part of that daily re-writing, the author can elaborate on things like "this is hard" or "this is possible" or "you can too" but until then I've provided the following summary of this article.
The thing about not flushing toilet paper isn't that unusual overseas. I work with a girl who was born and raised mostly in Turkey and she said they put it in a bag next to the toilet..something to do with the pipes