
Marvel and ABC are gambling that they are. Don't you just mean that Disney is?

you can rotate 3d maps in google maps? okay, now that is cool.

You know you can see this gingerbread house with out having to spend over $650 per night at the Grand Floridan.

rip the neo con's first major piece of legislation.

The only thing that truck is missing are the stacks to go with it being jacked.

I hate the way that SUVs have filled our streets, but for some customers it is the best vehicle for their needs. I am an Eagle Scout, there is no way that we would have been able to canoe in the Pine Barrens with prius' and mini coopers' pulling trailers filled with 6 canoes and have room for the scouts using them.

umm, so if your nipple is detached fully, wouldn't that mess up your mammary glands and nerve endings?

isn't the revenue from football games enough to cover the athletic department's budget for other sports? this was always the half ass excuse of why football players had half days during the season.

I wonder if they will play harry's verison of high hopes if you play as the phil's and win. I doubt the kalas family will object.

well yeah, one is made of oil. the bp oil spill shows how ungreen an oil spill is.

@meredithmonkeyunderpants: i really don't think most beat reporters nowadays are smart enough or have the patience to read a classic

@cicadymn: bake it. when I worked at boy scout camp, that was the only way to cook enough bacon for 300 people along with making sure it was fully cooked.

@jesbelle: only is he could not find something else to use it with. there have been some unitaskers that he made multitaskers to half assly justify spending money on them.

@AgentSmithAndWesson: well the two cookbooks that alton released are more like transcripts of his show.

it is philly not phili.

@SeraphX2: well that is what their ad campaign was trying to instill with customers that use netflix or redbox, good bad it will now happen to bb customers. oh and this ad campaign will now just confuse people.

I want to know how the the satc and satc 2 cost as much to make as the first two films in LOTR.

@Sovereign: there is a growing number of customers that just skip the theater experience anymore because of the cost involved. I know I have seen alot less movies now than I did 10 years ago. Seeing a movie on a 50' screen is different than seeing it on a 32" screen but you can control the environment and also it

@MacAttack: I liked BB when I used them before, the moviepass program was a great way to get people in their stores. Now if they had better prices on the theater junk food that clutters the front of the store, they would have made more money.