
@Cabs21: or paying employees by not closing down as many stores and finding better ways to use their store personnel.

@SGTalon: this move is so that people will buy the movies at the msrp of $40 for a BR and $30 for a dvd, it is the studios trying to get as much money as possible. They know that some movies will have millions upon millions of people paying a higher priced to get the movie asap for home viewing.

@SeraphX2: all of blockbuster's services.

@dennis636223: well it won't eliminate the issue entirely, people still steal when they work at chick a fil.

@lucasway89: i thought that was what apple's claim to retina display is.

I have always loved the look of DC Metro's stations.

a blast from my past. i didn't know that 7th guest was so popular. does that mean al michael's baseball and the war in the gulf games I played when I was younger will be re-released?

@lucasway89: you know, just watching it live in the strip club is like 4k quality.

I swear to god fia just does this to piss off the fans and engineers. it would be great if teams did what they did in years past and build a car in nov, test it in dec and jan and then start the slate clean for the next season's car' with some minor adjustments made to present season's car throughout the season.

@Supra_Mario: i am surprised that they haven't switched over yet to irl's pit windows.

@osbjmg: get ready for the season of engine blowouts!

@nfamouscj: because the cost to make these changes, which may reduce lap times by 0.10 seconds, prices out alot of the smaller teams.

Did the original have a worthy enough plot? With high concept films, plot development doesn't get the attention it deserves.

@spamfeed: well he can't talk, that could drive anyone to be bitter.

@Justin: well he didn't want to lose any lucrative credit card ad revenue.

Well I won't be going anywhere if a blast happens, I am 5 minutes from 95, and it is a guarantee that it will be closed to civilian use. Schools in New Castle County Delaware were let out early on 9/11 for that same reason, the buses used 95 alot 10 years ago.

@Agent.Logic_: I agree, all of my dumbphones were lgs. they were okay for their use but their cost was just insane if they weren't subsidized. the only android they have right now is the ally and it doesn't help that product out that for $100 more you can get a better device. this device shows that lg has improved,

@Agent.Logic_: lg, sorta of not but it does usher in the newest generation of smartphones that will be packing dual cores and full 1080p.