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One question that I have that I have never heard answered is “If abortion makes up only three percent of the services you offer, and the president has said that he would not defund you if you just don’t offer abortions, why not just stop performing abortions so that you can continue to receive funding and help out

“Women’s Health,” except for women who don’t have a voice, that is, the little girls who are killed and mutilated (and sold for parts) before they ever have opportunity to learn to speak. What beautiful voices snuffed out for “some” women’s “health”. Also, if I ever become helpless like a baby please do not kill me.

When there are hundreds of more healthcare centers all across the nation which offer prenatal care, baby immunizations, general and primary care, as well as specialized care including mental health, addiction recovery, and HIV/AIDs, all for very low costs or no cost and which also accept insurances you can find on

Beth, I agree 100%. I’m just saying that the site is obviously biased, and after reading the details at the site, this article title is biased as well.

Your idea of “bad laws” and mine are completely different. Please keep your opinions to yourself and just report the things I like. The idea of adding political rhetoric to a site that is not designed for such things is where some of the “fake news” originates. I am one that is exasperated at the idea that those in

How is enforcement of laws (illegal immigration) bad? Since we’re picking and choosing laws to enforce, I choose not to enforce speeding, tax evasion, and maybe movie piracy as I see fit. Thanks.

Biased. Plain and simple. Even legal immigrants don’t like this bashing of enforcement. And yes, your ancestors DID have to

Holy biased spin batman!

Not biased much, at all, no not at all.

I get this tactic seems to be successful. However, whenever someone does this to me, albeit salesperson, my boss/co-workers, etc. I instantly shut them down. There are not too many more annoying persuasion tactics out there than this and this one to me feels fake, rude, and bait-y.

That phrasing makes me stabby. It sounds manipulative, like a low-key guilt trip. I do think I understand the concept, though, and I like making sure people I request a favor from know that their response will not impact our friendship or my opinion of them in any way (the things that worry me when I need to say no!)

That tactic sounds less to me like giving someone freedom in their response and more like a passive-aggressive form of guilty tripping someone. Not saying it won’t work, it just doesn’t sound like a method I’d be comfortable using most of the time.