It kinda reminds me of the Bleach DS games. Looks pretty fun though
It kinda reminds me of the Bleach DS games. Looks pretty fun though
Okay. You do have a point there.
I’d agree but only in 2D (for both). For my money for 3D, Virtua Fighter would go for best competitive and TEKKEN for best all around.
Just listen to music while washing dishes. I usually just start singing (when alone) while washing them
Oh come now. Those games aren’t bad.
There’s always the OlliOlli games (kinda). Not really the same badassery that the Skate series was but they’re still pretty fun games.
Competitive or in general?
I’m only commenting in hopes that I get notified that someone out there know which Sega Saturn game you’re talking about
(Crosses fingers that I can get one before they become collectible
Underground Railroad style?
How is that game though?
Both. Priority on the donation to ACLU because they deserve it now more than ever but no reason they can’t also support insomniac for denouncing something as shitty as this. IF THIS ISN’T A BLOODY FUCKING CONFLICT OF INTEREST,I HAVE NO GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING IDEA WHAT IS!!!!!
it’s still a comedy show but damn it all if he doesn’t make a good point. The reason I’m replying with this is to show you that refugees ARE being vetted (skip to about 5:05 ). This is mainly affecting REFUGEES!!!! Possibly the most vetted people trying to come into the United States. What Cheetolini is doing is…
Like the SEGAAAAAA voice?
HEY!!!!!! THE ULTIMATE NINJA GAMES ARE DOPE!!!! And they still make TEKKEN tho.
YES!!!!!!!!! That’d be crazy as FUCK!!!!