
It all works. As long as you start light, learn proper form from somewhere and take it easy on yourself, exercise is something you can do your whole life. Don’t look at it as “getting a 6 pack” look at it as one of the only things that really gives you back the effort you put into it (and not much in life does) in

Forget it. I don’t wish death on anyone but enough with the cameos. Yes, he is iconic but it is now shattering the experience of the films he is in. He just does something stupid. You know when he dies he will be rendered in. It is stupid.

There are soooo many things I am more than happy not knowing about and this group of (insert personal pejorative here) men, is one of them. I am now dumber for learning of them and their thoughts.

Small meteor, large ice crystal, space debris and probably 20 more I haven’t thought of. There are a bunch of things that could have hit that plane.

Man that guys hands on the bat are waaaaaay off. As is the whole art direction of that scene.

I’m sorry: Ghost in the Shell “One of the prettiest movies” you’ll ever see...Blade Runner 2049 “One of the prettiest movies” you’ll ever see.....Quit with the science fiction eye candy and make good movies...

“psych was a very SOFT science”; was????

They Live: campy, but the best line in cinema was never mentioned: “I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass; and I’m all out of bubble gum”

Anime, Pokemon go, Frank Zappa, Furries are all places where something goes to die. You can not like things; it is ok. We don’t all have to like the same stuff. We have to tolerate other people’s enjoyment, reluctantly, sometimes (Enkidum this is specifically to you)

Dude- You hit it so on the head. “What he said”

Sort of a horrible review. Trying to change things up and do it different...utter fail

Screw lawyers

It was just bad bad bad bad bad bad and almost unwatchable. Anyone who thought this show had ANY redeeming qualities should be either a tv or movie reviewer; they always need those ghost people to write “Best ever!”, “Shocking take on..”, “I’d sit my family down to watch it anytime”, “Ghaag, ghaag, Oh excuse me that

You either give large popular/semi-popular books the “LOTR and HP” treatment or you shouldn’t touch them at all. Follw it faithfully, give it the budget it needs, don’t change much in terms race or chacater age or temperament and you will have the fans locked in. Then, hopefully, people not as interested in the source

To the dude that said “eats a lot of calocic dense foods (Carbs, fats, protein, sugars)“ You only eat protein, fat and carbohydrates in various forms. If you add H2O, fiber and micronutrients that is ALL you EVER EAT, period. What you basically said is “They eat food”

I’m sorry. She’s hot. Who cares about anything artistic?

HA ha ha great post (has red shirt on dies of laughter)

Can I please have one geek/nerd thing that doesn’t involve characters singing and/or dancing. You can’t mix the best things in the world, comics and heroes, with the absolute worst, musicals, and get anything but pandering to a commercial audience. You can be geek and not pander or I guess it is now; you could be a