

Anyone know how they separate out stars from galaxies in large views like this? Focal length of the lens/image capture mechanism? Are these all stars we are seeing? Is this picture just in the Milky Way?

The best thing I’ve found to mix into are the ice cream/fruit slushy mixes (the slushy with the slightly larger ice crystals not foam like a slurpee or the thin slush types). They are mixers made in heaven, or might that be hell?? All I know is I have had some interesting experiences after drinking one or two of these

On the Stahship Entehphise

Neither can they. But, to me, singing does not make a party; having fun makes a party and fun is individual. Karaoke, bad..roller derby, fun...anything that resembles Jackass, bad...playing Over/Under, fun...any singing at all, bad...playing any sport at all, fun

You must be that guy from the series “love” that sits around with his friends and makes up theme songs to movies that don’t have them.

It doesn’t take ego: some of them are also just big and stupid. Quit making people that do jobs heros. They are people doing jobs. You would most likely be saved by the inventor of the fire alarm, windsheild wiper, seat belt or helmet more so than a fireman or policeman. I appreciate the jobs people do but they are

Should this article be longer than “Look at these crackpots?”

No Pratchett, no A3, no Prometheus, no Covenant and no all caps.

We are on a finite amount of mass with finite resources, minus solar, wind and hydro power. That we caused some problems with our enviroment was not a matter of was it going to happen but when was it going to reach a precipice.

I hope the proctologist helped that problem. Shitting backwards kills.

Fran Drescher had on motorcycle boots, not clunky rain boots. I don’t know why this is important to me but it is.

The one thing I really cherished when my child got older was talking to her. Listening to her more and more, adult like ramblings and more frequent cognizant points. I never once was happy that I could now watch more tv or movies with her.

Just because the window was opened I’d like to complain about the worst bait-and-switch advertising ever; the first THE MUMMY movie with Brendan Fraser. The trailer and commercials were all horror and suspense and the movie was the next thing to a campy romcom. I am still disappointed to this day.

I’m sorry you misspelled better; “They can’t possibly make them better.”

Well, that was the best comments section I’ve read in a while. Huzza, commenters, huzza.

Harvard only started a business ethics course approximately 2 years ago. Business schools don’t preach fair play and ethics or win-win strategies they teach make money at any cost. We should be surprised at anything like this? Screw or be screwed is a recognized business philosophy.

Thank you Elon’s press secretary.

I think we need a book length treatise on this subject. This article is neither in-depth enough nor broad enough to really capture the severity and importance of this topic.

There is nothing; no strategy, trick or rote response to strangers that is 100 percent effective. Do what you feel is right and become a stoic about others strategies. Kids have a window where they are too trusting and not of a size to effectively aid in their own defense, mentally or physically. Get them through that