
I've expessed some criticism in this forum in past episode. And here's another one. We now have a trend of 30 minute shows, and that's after a starting trend of 60 minute shows. That's fucked and somehow I am not getting my three bucks worth with these shorter shows! (just kidding on that one <;) But I do want the

I haven't read this review yet. I'm going to after I write this. First I wanted to say I'm really fuckin pissed Alan Alda is dead in the show! >:

During the last scene I was waiting for a gunshot or yelling or something horrible to happen. When nothing did, and the credit were silent, I am wondering too about Alda next week. I really hope he is not off the show. When I first heard about the show, and then the cast, and specifically Alan Alda, I new I needed

This is a show that has stuck with me, I like for the reality it portrays, and I respect it a lot for it's outside-the-box creativity. I watched the 1st and 2nd episode twice. This 3rd episode I do not need to watch again. Overall, the episode was dull to me. That being said, I do not think anything about this