Flasht Ferrer

Since when is *isn't intended for young girls* even an issue? Seriously, stop bringing this up people, it's not a big deal.

…calling the authorities.

You and I both know ponies are people too.

That's a really accurate analogy…and a bit gross.

When you live so long, you realize that people live, then they die, but it's what they do while they are alive that matters. I'm sure Celestia would have no problem making friends, even knowing she will outlive them.

You…honestly didn't see it coming?

Naw, Snips and Snails are typical country bumpkins, not very bright but excellent henchman material.

Naw, that's only because they have a music contract together.

You do know she's not a dyke right? She's just a tomboy who's into sports and athleticism in general. That girl can rock a dress when it's called for.

Hold onto your hat, it's gonna get serious up in here in Season 4.

This is true.