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    But she meant the witnesses that the cops interview throughout the miniseries.

    She means the "chorus" of witnesses that the cops interviewed about someone's (Perry's) death. They were interjected throughout the entire miniseries.

    That why Bonnie only gets 200 hours community service.

    Yes, it was the detective's binoculars. The women were investigated for a bit, until (in the book) Bonnie confesses to the manslaughter charge. She served 200 hours community service. The end.

    In the book, Bonnie confesses shortly thereafter. She serves 200 hours community service for a manslaughter charge. So a Season 2 wouldn't be vey exciting or revealing.

    Only that the women were investigated for a while, until (in the book) Bonnie confesses to the manslaughter charge. She served 200 hours community service.

    Exactly. Unfortunately, like Madeline, women often peg a guy as "gay" because he is thoughtful, kind, or gentle. I'm glad they revealed Tom as a strong male figure without any machismo bs.

    My understanding is that in the book, Perry doesn't assault the other women. Bonnie pushes him after a brief discussion about his kids seeing what he's been doing to their mother, Celeste.

    However, sometimes psychopathic children are born. Even in the most loving homes, their brains are just wired wrong from the beginning. That said, Max did not seem a psychopath, just a kid acting out what he learned at home (nurture).

    Jaws was filming in the area around the time her body was discovered (with similar clothing). It might explain why there was no local "missing person" report for a young woman matching her description, as she may've traveled to be in the film.

    She was found in the same area around the same time. So…who knows? Maybe. Web-sleuths have been helping to solve cases lately, like the recent "Grateful Doe" guy's case.

    "…Hoarders will wear out its welcome fairly quickly."