
Fair point, but a lot of the comment section speculation just seems based on the fact that he seems "old" and ripe to die. Now that I think about, he's probably closer to 50 than 60, right?

People always seem to think TV characters are "marked for death" decades below their average real world life expectancy. Zeek is what, maybe 70, active, and in good health — he could live 25 more years! It's like on Mad Men — all the speculation that Roger is ripe to keel over, when he's in his late 50s.

As a lawyer in contemporary America, I'm always struck by how much of the lyrics to G&S'sTrial By Jury, based on Gilbert's experiences as a barrister, hit home 140 years later. I wish it was revived more often.

Tally ho, yippidy dap, and zing zang spirit!

I also read the Buchan novels within the last year or so, and had similar thoughts at the time. His characters do have a bit of the over-the-top can-do spirit, but in a much more practical way (although a lot of his plotting is a bit absurd). Anyway, I agree that saying "war is stupid," while quite possibly true, is

"sense of immediacy" What does that even mean?

I can deal with WWDTM ok, but truly the most insufferable person on any form of media ever is Michael Feldman of "Whad'ya Know."  I'm always seized by an extreme urge to punch him in the face after listening to more than 5 seconds of his show.

Right, the problem was it sounded like JWT or whoever was the guy from Heinz who bought it from Ted and Peggy, not the name of another agency.

Agreed.  I've never gotten the impression that Ianucci understands how the stuff he's parodying actually works very well, so his "parodies" seem like they're based on other fictionalized/imagined accounts of politics, more than any sort of DC reality.  E.g., a Congressman might have a three-person staff with one

It was funny, but….I know I've heard pretty much the same thing before.  Not saying it was from some other standup, but the whole "don't we act weird in cars" thing seems like just a general meme that's been out there for awhile.  He did execute it well though, esp. the elevator part.

I was a little underwhelmed.  The ending was great, and I enjoyed the neighbor joke, but the whole "tits" sequence went on way too long and seemed to be getting kind of awkward.  Unless that was the point or something.