You’ll probably get shit on for this comment, but I agree.
You’ll probably get shit on for this comment, but I agree.
And it’s sure not easy.
Kate Hudson: go fuck yourself. The C-section is the reason why my son and I are both alive today. It’s a legitimate medical procedure that saves fucking lives.
I’m not sure it was narcissism (might have been, I just don’t feel qualified to make that call one way or another). But he was definitely insecure and prone to some combination of paranoia and/or jealousy. That’s really not a great combination. The thing with emotional abuse is that it often comes on gradually and…
Do white guys have different brains?
Fuck this shit - I went to college at the same time as her and we have multiple mutual friends. You’d think we would wake up, but, I have no hope it will change anything though.
I was once in an abusive relationship (emotional/psychological rather than physical abuse, but still...) and I waited until I moved 700 miles away before breaking it off. I probably stayed about 2-3 months beyond when I really wanted to end things just because I was afraid of his reaction. And when I did break up with…
Or no one has a gun and no one dies. Like in other countries with rational gun laws.
Right because 30-40 bullets flying from one gun wasn’t enough.
So, so, many. The most dangerous time for a woman who’s in an abusive relationship is when she leaves her partner.
The only good in this story is the absolute STONES the responding officer had in going inside. We will never know how many lives s/he saved by having the courage to do what 99% of us, me included, would not do.
I hope the families of the victims are able to find peace at some point. Just terrible.
Princess is a realistic style option which makes it antithetical to the point here, as far as I’m concerned. That being said, Gingerbread woman is a pretty weak player all around.
He’s from Boston, they all dress like that.
Ah, the ol’ Pentafuck.
That sounds exhausting. Looks like my occasional adult acne is here to stay! Lol
By that measure, I should look like the elephant man.
Yeah... this easily could have happened in 2 foot beach break. As a matter of fact you typically hear stories about broken necks in patently small and unassuming conditions.
It should also be mentioned Barbados was not in the path of the storm. Slightly choppier waters for a pro-level surfer isn’t normally a death sentence.