hey man, you totally forgot “Tusk”!
hey man, you totally forgot “Tusk”!
to be fair, cusack was playing a pilled up Brian Wilson. though Paul Dano definitely deserves a nom, i liked that movie
I just did it to get a boner
No doubt. It might be like another 2011 Oscar year where a good number of blockbusters or mainstream movies get nominated
Id hope for it to be true, but the Oscars are at the same time predictable and unpredictable. With Fury Road’s buzz, it’s hard not to see it being nominated, especially since its been better than the majority of the Oscar contenders Ive seen so far this year.
i thought he was very good, but maybe its just the fact that the author (or his characterization of the author) is low key and kind of normal. Its not a stretch for Jason to play, but it was really solid and i connected with it. it didnt feel like a gimmick or an oddball role he was playing just to warrant an Oscar…
sounds like you missed the point entirely. plus, the focus is on them, not the women, and just because women arent characterized doesn’t mean that its two steps back for feminism. Plus, the criticism about it being a watered down Aaron Sorkin flick is way too wrong, its like you never even seen any of Sorkin’s work.…
i think its ok to not have an explanation. some ideas are just good enough to be explored without having to overcomplicate the reason behind their existence.